𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻

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(Y/n) had their fingers wrapped around a hot, steamy mug as they slowly sipped at their drink. The room was completely silent save for the quiet music the played continuously on in the background and the feint sound of Shu's breathing as he slept soundly on (y/n)'s shoulder.

How exactly did they get into this situation?

Well well well, gather round my dear readers and let this author tell you a story.

On a dark, rainy night...

Ok ok ok it's not that kinda story, I'll stop messing around with you now and tell you what actually happened.

The rain refused to let up and the two sat together for hours making idle conversations, Shu made (y/n) a drink and snack which they happily drank and ate but then all of the sudden they felt a weight on their shoulder. What could it be I wonder? Why it was none other than SHU YAMINO!!!

The beautiful man had fallen soundlessly asleep on the others shoulder and they wouldn't dare wake him up. Honestly it wasn't surprising he's fallen asleep, being up at 3am and having to deal with (y/n) after work like that, he'd be exhausted. So (y/n) just let him sleep on their shoulder while they sipped happily on their drink and contemplated how they got into this situation.

Now that you're all caught up let's return to the present, shall we?

For a short while (y/n) thought the rain might have been about to stop, they were wrong. The rain continued to hammer down hard on the windows and pavement creating large puddles and a loud pattering sound. The sound had completely drowned out the relaxing music and Shu's quiet little snores, leaving (y/n) sat on the sofa, with Shu on their shoulder, with absolutely nothing to do. It had been about 45 minutes at this point and they still could not bring themselves to wake him. In fact they'd even draped a blanket over him, he'd actually given the blanket to them but (y/n) felt he needed it more.

You could say sitting there like that was a little boring but (y/n) felt perfectly contempt with just sitting and watching. They had never gotten a really close look at his face but now that they did they noticed how his long lashes laid gently against his cheekbones, how his lips were a pale pink and even how he was wearing a very small amount of red eyeliner. All of these things had previously gone unnoticed but now (y/n) couldn't help but stare. He's truly beautiful.

Then, almost as if sensing the gaze, Shu's eyes opened to reveal his beautiful, purple irises, they seemed to shine almost like a starry galaxy.

"I fell asleep?" He questioned, still resting his head on (y/n)'s shoulder "sorry, that must have been annoying for you."

"It's fine. You looked so peaceful I couldn't bare to wake you," (y/n) said as they raised a hand to rub the top of his head. He smiled before leaning closer to them to essentially nuzzling them.

"I'm guessing the rain hasn't stopped or did you just refuse to wake me when it did?"

"Nope, hasn't stopped for even a second."

"How long did I sleep?"

"Almost an hour."

Shu hummed and then thought for a moment before saying "we'll then maybe you should just sleep here, since we have work tomorrow we'll have to sleep soon anyways."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened at the suggestion. Logically it made sense, the rain wasn't stopping and if they continued to wait they could end up not getting enough sleep and Shu's house was also closer to the train station so there would be less of a journey to get there in the morning. But despite all this, the idea of staying at Shu's house made (y/n) nervous, it's not like they hadn't slept around other people houses before.


Shu calling their name startled them and they responded without even meaning to "uh yes."

"You should take a shower, I'll get you a change of clothes." Shu said as he stood up from the sofa and left towards the bathroom.

The second he left (y/n) buried their face in their hands as a blush creeped up their neck, "what the fuck, I'm just staying over for the night why am I so damn flustered?"

After Shu left the room and entered the bathroom he leaned against the closed door and sighed "why am I...?"

Earlier (like any logical person would) Shu had checked the weather forecast, it was scheduled to stop raining soon. He knew that. He also knew that (y/n) didn't know that. If they'd waited just a little longer then the rain would stop and (y/n) could go home but instead he'd invited them to stay over despite this. Once they'd had a shower and changed clothes there wouldn't really be any point in them going home even if the rain had stopped, right?

Shu busied himself by sorting out a towel for them before going to let them know the shower was ready.

(Y/n) made their way to the bathroom and once again had a mini mental breakdown over getting changed in Shu's house, but this time it wasn't just getting changed, it was showering. (Y/n) squealed a little at the thought (kind of like a middle schooler thinking of confessing to their crush) before actually taking off their clothes and getting into the shower.

After being drenched in cold water, being able to stand under a hot shower was the most amazing feeling ever and (y/n) smiled happily as they ran their fingers through their wet hair.

There was then a subtle knock on the door which made (y/n) jump a little followed by Shu's voice "I've got some clothes for you, is it okay if I put them on the bathroom counter?"

Technically speaking it was fine since the shower curtain would be blocking the two of them but the idea of Shu being in the room, even for a second made their heart skip a beat. Though of course (y/n) would pretend it didn't and simply said "yeah that's fine."

Just as Shu had said, he opened the door, placed the clothes on the counter and then quickly left.

(Y/n) took a deep breath before quickly finishing their shower. They used the shower gel and shampoo that was left on the shelf in the shower, both of them had delicate floral scents and judging by the fact that the bottles were half empty it was safe to assume that Shu used them. The idea once again made (y/n) a little nervous.

"Ew why am I like this? It's literally just shampoo." They muttered as they massaged it into their hair. "I've showered at Ike's place before and I never got nervous so why's it any different for Shu? Because it's my first time being here maybe?" It made sense if that was the case, they had visited Ike's apartment multiple times before they stayed there.

(Y/n) stepped out of the shower and dried themselves off with the towel Shu gave them and then changed into the clothes. The clothes Shu had left were just an oversized sweater and joggers, simple but comfortable. They brought the collar up to their face, once again it smelt of the sun.

Slowly but surely (y/n) was growing to love the scent of the sun.

He loves the mornings but I just want to sleep | shu Yamino x readerWhere stories live. Discover now