|01| one sided story

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''Don't get your high hopes Ryusui. This doesn't look very promising to me.''

As usual he ignored you in favor on letting himself be caught up in this fantasy world of his. Even Senku gave him a few words of wisdom, something along the lines of not expecting anything since he's not a baker yet it was one ear out the other for Ryusui. The scientist turned to the sailor then said, ''I'm not a professional chef.''

That seemed to snapped him out of his thoughts and didn't even let the words sink in but rather quickly justified his thoughts and actions which made you think that Ryusui has definitely lost it, ''I'm not saying this just for the sake of my own greed. Quality is important. The bread that was stocked on ships during the age of discovery was so hard and nasty that they couldn't eat it until they had nearly starved to death. We would never call such a thing proper food.''

Even with all that, everyone is really hyped up for this since all they've been eating are fruits, meat and fish this entire time. A change in menu is bound to happen but you knew this is not going to end well, ''Heard that Senku over there is not a professional chef.''

''That doesn't have anything to do with this. Baking bread could at least be a beginner's level, even for him.''

And with that, you knew exactly what you want to do about this whole situation. Standing right behind Ryusui, who is currently sitting on a chair, you placed both of your hands on his shoulders so that he won't go anywhere until he hear you out, ''Nah. Now that I think about it.... You're looking forward to this ever since our revival.''

''Who wouldn't?'' Ryusui answered nonchalantly, ''This is the whole reason why we're desperately searching for other sources of food!''

You want to say something but heard Senku cackling to himself. It wasn't out of amusement, more like filled with malice knowing that this cooking skills isn't up to par with what the sailor is thinking about. ''Alright it's ready.'' he said with glee, taking out his creation from the furnace, ''The stone world's first stone oven-baked bread!''

As soon as his creation had seen the light of day, Ukyo, Ryusui, and even Senku himself couldn't believe what they are seeing. It was absolutely burned to crisp and you swear that you can see from the cracks that the inside is also what you would deemed as not meant for consumption. Heck, you would definitely be reprimanded for even attempting to eat such thing.

But then, the other part of you wanted to tease the shit of Ryusui especially with what he said earlier. Creeping up behind him, you then took the moment to just savor the look of utter horror as the reality slowly sinks in, ''Isn't that nice? Turned out the way you thought it wouldn't be.''

''It....sure is something.'' You swear you've never seen him looked this disappointed in his life. Except that one time when he found out that you hated swimming in the open seas.

''The crumbly texture is a lot of fun!''

''It's coal black but it smells pretty good!''

And that was the unmistaken sound of the villagers who are munching away the bread that Senku made. You realized that the taste buds of the people from the modern world and by these villagers are different. To them, this is new therefore they don't necessarily have the basis on what it should taste like whereas the modern folks had grown accustomed to it and knew exactly what it taste like.

Senku was hesitating as he held the piece of bread in his mouth, silently praying that it doesn't taste exactly with what it looks like. But upon taking that single bite, he knew right then and there that he totally messed up the bread and his palate for a while.

It was awful-no, dreadful. Of course you were curious to what it tastes like but you prefer watching Senku and Ryusui suffer as they ate the bread that they were wanting to have only for it to bring them to their knees.

''I heard modern people's palates are so refined that they sometimes die of starvation because they can't eat the food that they have.'' The way Ukyo said that seems like he is reliving the past as he stared at the piece of bread in his hand, ''They taught us that in the self defense force survival exercises.''

''I'm sure spices helped that along the way.'' You told him, poking the two who are lying on the ground, but neither of them is responsive enough to have the energy to even get up, ''But...he completely destroyed that bread. I can't call it food.''

Meanwhile on the other side, Taiju couldn't his laughter as him, Yo, and Magma are in charge of growing wheat, ''Senku's group might be filling up on their fluffy test bread right now!'' He said, unaware of the horrors that is going on back there.

''I'm jealous, damn it!''

Back to where Senku is, him and Ryusui are currently having a conversation about the situation whereas you are trying to have Ukyo take a bite of the ''so-called bread'' and the latter is currently escaping his fate of experiencing what the two had already gone through.

''This bread's going to kill everyone. Am I right?''

''Yeah...we gotta fix this before we head out on the age of discovery voyage to the other side of the planet.''

The two of you stopped as you overheard that and you couldn't help but wonder if it's going to be a perfect opportunity to revive the person that you have been wanting to be awaken for quite some time. And with what they said next definitely bought a wide grin to your face.

''We're gonna slap a professional chef awake!''

Ukyo looked at the two of them and couldn't believe that they are in sync with their thoughts, ''They said, in harmony.'' He then saw the grin on your face and wonder if this is just another ploy of Ryusui so that Senku would be on board with his plans, ''You seem awfully happy right now, Y/n.''

''I am?''

''Is there something you want to say?''

You knew that the cat is definitely out of the bag and Ukyo is bound to find out sooner or later, ''I have a certain person in mind if we need a chef.'' 

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