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Travelling the world in this primitive state is no easy feat. There's no way of knowing what lurks in the other continents other than going there and seeing it for yourself. It could either lead to a groundbreaking discoveries or possibly be their death.

All have their input in regards to this absurd idea that Senku proposes, including [name] herself. She wasn't fond of it nor reject the idea all together. She simply doesn't care about it.

"Exploring the entire world? If only we had a pro explorer around." Gen said with a finger on his chin, purposely making his voice a little louder so that a certain person could hear.

"And who ya think I am?!" Chrome suddenly exclaimed as Kohaku have an unamused look on her face.

"So obvious....in a good way."

Meanwhile, Francois and [name] are busy preparing the food for their journey until Gen decided to stop by.

"The achievement of an individual can never amount to much." Francois said as they took out a tray of fresh baked bread from the stone oven.

"Those are strong words coming from Francois, the butler of many talents!" Gen praised putting his hand on his haori. He then turned to [name] who is now taking off her apron, "Huh? This is a surprise [name]-san.

"What truly matters is bringing together the talents of many." Francois continued.

"Now we got a lot of stollen! The bread that lasts forever!" Suika said.

"Our world voyage in on a different scale from last time, since we'll be gone at least a few weeks." Ryusui stated.

"Gotta bring plenty of resources, so get hauling. We wanna ship out in a hurry." Senku said calmly as he carried a bag on his arms.

"What's the big rush, when we only just got back!?" Ginro shrieks.

"It'll be cold once winter hits right?" Minami asks.

"Yes." [name] replied calmly, as she look at her clipboard, checking if they had bought everything they need. "We still need those bamboos. It will be handy in the near future."

"What?" The blonde reporter questions, who doesn't have a single clue where [name] will use it for.

She looked at him and said, "This is the only material that isn't native in America. Besides, it's quite useful. Who knows when we're going to need it." [name] helped Magma and the others hauled the bamboos onto the ship while everyone else was busy doing something.

Ryusui knew that there's a possibly of another person waking up in America. It's a vast place after all. But one thing that concerns him is who is there. Would they be an ally or an enemy?


"Senku wanted us to take this spaceship road map and whip up a quick model." Yuzuriha said as she showed Kaseki the blueprint.

"This is a road map? Kinda different than normal." Kaseki stated as he looked at the piece of paper.

They then remembered what the scientist had told them earlier, 'Just produce something 3D to show people. It doesn't matter if it's all sloppy!'

The brunette's expression turned dark in an instance, making Suika flinched from the dark aura emitting from the two who is the master of their craft. "Doesn't matter? Sloppy? Can you believe that guy?" Yuzuriha muttered with a smile on her face. "Senku doesn't understand the mind of an artisan, otherwise he'd never suggest such a thing. Right, Kaseki?"

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