|02|diesel is desire, play with fire

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Senku couldn't believe what he's seeing right now. He had agreed with Ryusui that they definitely need a chef but this guy immediately suggested that they should find a Michelin star chef in this area and he wants it, soon. Well-the scientist decided to have a meeting so they are here in the shed with Ukyo casually covering his ears with an indifferent look on his face whereas the sailor is whining about everything.

And that's what lead all of you in a bit of a negotiation with Minami over the phone. She thought she could've gone a little longer with no one realizing that she have a small portion of the revival fluid but nothing seemed to escape Ryusui when it comes to what he wants.

''Huh? Why would I have any of that?''

Ryusui couldn't help but laugh at what she said, ''Don't play dumb journalist! You were in charge of choosing people to revive, weren't you? You would have plenty of opportunities to swipe a person's worth. You can wake up whomever you want and make them talk. The stuff's made of dreams if you're a journalist.'' He knew what kind of power Minami has towards the whole revival fiasco. She's a reporter, therefore know a lot of people who will be useful so why she won't take one for herself? ''No one can escape the desire of greed.''

There was silence in the other line before Gen took over the conversation. You couldn't exactly make out what Gen was talking to Minami about but you were certain that it would be something along the lines of having an exchange with what she has for something that she truly wants. And by the looks of it, Senku seemed fine with whatever is going on as long as they get the chef that they wanted.

''So who are you waking up then? A three star chef?''




It was an odd sight to behold. No. It's very weird. Chrome thought as he saw the sudden change in your behavior along with Ryusui's. The two of you seemed calmer after the call and the sailor didn't even mind the food after that. Almost as if he knew that this will turn things around.

''Francois? Is that a French name?'' Ukyo asked upon realizing that this person's name sounded foreign, ''Can they speak Japanese?'' he looked at you only to be met by a shrug in return.

''I don't even know.'' You answered, not even bothered to care what nationality the butler is. They're doing a phenomenal job with what they are hired to do so you don't have any questions about it.

''I never thought about it before.'' Ryusui calmly informed them, ''They might be Japanese. Was it Francois or Fransowa? I don't remember their real name nor do I know their gender.''

''Not even their gender?!" Kohaku looked at him in shock but quickly realized that you also has the same problem, ''Even you Y/n?''

Humming in response, ''Yeah. At some point I did but I forgot.''

''You really couldn't care a little more?'' Chrome asked, definitely worried about how the hell does Ryusui forget about such thing.

Not that it truly matter to all of you. They're great at their job. That's the most important part.

''I only know one thing: Francois is the most desirable butler in the world.'' He stood up from where he was lying down earlier to get his point straight with Chrome. Ryusui admits that it does bothered him but he didn't asked Francois what their gender is nor is he curious enough to ask, ''If they're goo, their background and gender don't matter. Am I right?''

You wanted to say something but the sound of footsteps stopped you from doing so. Turning around, you saw Francois walking directly straight at you without even acknowledging what was happening.

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