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After their little adventure out to the open seas. Senku, Ryusui, Chrome and Ukyo are now back on mainland and everyone started bombarded them with questions.

''W-who is it? The one behind those strange words?'' Suika asked.

''Could there be another group of survivors... far away on the other side of the ocean?''

''Was it a distressed signal? A drifting ship could have picked up our radiowaves.''

''If that were true, wouldn't it be 'SOS' or 'HELLO'?''

''Doesn't a barrage of 'WHY' seem more likely to make us think 'Why'?''

The white haired woman sat on the branch, slightly leaning on the bark of the tree as she watched everyone else discuss their theories.

[name] caught a glanced of Senku's troubled expression, which means that even he is doesn't have any answer to the question that the others have. She also have a feeling that he don't know how to sugarcoat things as to not worry them and Gen seemed to be caught up in his thoughts.

Knowing that none of them might be content until they have their answers, [name] replied, ''Suika, there's a chance that they're not human and why would a ship travel here in Japan where resources are scarce? What are they looking for? Bamboos? And Nikki, if there is indeed a ship out there, they would be wise enough to not respond nor communicate from an unknown source. And the message 'Why' , they could be asking us why are we trying to rebuild the civilization after they petrified every single human on earth.''

The explanation made them slightly understood the situation much more better. [name] didn't hide anything and told them what they wanted to know, thus, making them trust her more than they should have.

[name] entered the shed and stood beside the dual-haired mentalist, even though she refused to be one of their leaders.

''Hmph, so we're thinking that the mastermind behind all that is the 'Why-man' !''

Ukyo questioned, ''You're calling them 'Why-man'?''

The blonde sailor continued speaking, ''There's no way that they could have kept living for 3,700 years. Which means, did they petrified themselves?''

''Hey, hold on, hold on. I know I all worked up earlier, but are we even sure this 'Why-man' is an enemy? Is there a chance that they're friendly?''

''Chrome.... If I kill Gen right here and now... would you befriend me as well?'' [Name] bluntly said as the person she mentioned slowly put a distance between her, for safety reasons.

''It's not impossible, but we wouldn't have strategize if they turn out not to be an enemy. If they do happen to be friendly, we'll have over planned, but that wouldn't be the end of it.''

The mentalist then added, ''Well, I mean. At the very least, things are not seriously not looking too good for that outcome. After all, they ignored Senku-chan's taunting and just like that, the 'Why' Morse Code signal stopped without any other reply.''

''It's unclear...'' Ukyo said, tilting his hat with his index and middle fingers, ''Where they are and where they're going. An invisible enemy, right? That's the worst.''

Seeing that nobody doesn't have an idea, even Senku, [name] decided to drop one little hint before she left the shed, knowing that someone will raise their voice, she muttered,

''Seriously? Your brain cells have dropped a significant amount after receiving that mysterious message. An invention from the twenty-first century that can detect a target from miles away.''


''Francois, do you need any help?'' [name] asked as she wore an apron over her clothes and grabbed the knife then began deboning the fish and didn't wait for their orders.

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