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Finally, an update. I'm sorry if this is not worth the wait.

[not edited and proofread]


"In Sha Allah, I'll let you know once I land," I spoke on the phone.

"May Allah make your journey safe and easy."

"Ameen. Pray for me Yahya. To be honest, I'm scared to even show up."

"Man... You will always be there in my prayers and trust Allah, Fawad. What you did was wrong but now, you repented and asked for Allah's forgiveness. It's time you rectify your blunders." he spoke with a calm voice.

"Thank you! I'll be always grateful to you. In Sha Allah, I'll call you later. Assalam Alaikum."

"Wa Alaikum Assalam." we hung the call.

Yahya was someone, I believe Allah sent to me as an angel. Two years ago, when I ran away cowardly from something I was forced into, from something I was left with no choice but to accept, I ended up being ignorant of everything. Including my deen.

But in midst of despair and ignorance, Allah sent me, Yahya. Slowly, he guided me toward one thing that I should never have turned my back on-- my deen. Yet again, if Allah doesn't want me to be on his path, he wouldn't have sent Yahya, right? So, Allah is the one who guided me through Yahya.

After two long years, I'm finally building up the courage to go back home and rectify the mistake I made. But... Running away must be also a part of qadr. The guilt is long consuming me. I can bear it no longer.

When the announcement of my flight went off, I wheeled the luggage to the boarding. Taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart.


Glancing outside the window, I could see that the landscapes are getting nearer now. I'm going to be landing soon. I rubbed my hands together, ignoring the small smile playing on my lips.

Allah! Merely an hour more...

Though I would never admit it, I'm eager to see a certain someone. I'm still anxious about anticipating her reaction when after two years, I'll make an appearance. What must have these two years made her into? Even if she hates me, it would be no surprise. I didn't even bid goodbye to her when I left.

Allah, please make it easy for us.

I only informed my family about my arrival on short notice. But I'm sure the news would have already spread.

The pilot announced our landing and I fastened the seatbelt. My eyes shut as I started to supplicate duas to praise Allah for granting me a safe journey.


As the car pulled into the gateway, my heart could no longer stay quiet. It started to beat erratically. The mansion looked foreign yet familiar. The two years surely changed its appearance. The last time I saw it was bathed in white paint. Now, it has a shade of rustic cream.

The garden looks perfect with its neatly trimmed plants and spring-blossomed flowers. The car porch had all the cars that this house owned, all the members of this beautiful mansion must be here as they waited for me.

"Ummer bai, please stop the car here. I don't want them to know my arrival just yet." I quickly told the old driver, Ummer bai, who was working in this household for a long time.

"Ji, chote Malik," he said looking at me through the rearview mirror.
(yes, young master)

"Oh, Ummer bai! How many times have I had to remind you to not call me that? Just call me Fawad, just the way you called me when I was young, okay?"

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