Author's Note(Imp)

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Assalam Alaikum, readers.

I know I'm not being consistent in updating the chapters of my books 'Masir' and 'Scarred Beauty'.

But believe me, I'm trying my best to write whenever I have time.

But TIME is the problem, I'm not getting any. I wrote half of chapter 6 of Masir, a few days back. It's only today I got time to complete it.

My classes have started and it's from 9 to 5. I reach home at about 5:45. And after that, I have to pray my Asr salah. (I pray dhuhr at masjid) by the time I get to freshen up and pray Asr, it's time for Maghrib. Then you can guess how the rest of the day goes.

I have to study my academics(I'm studying for CA) and study Islamic studies too. (I can't sacrifice my Islamic studies, Deen comes first).

So, my schedule is so tight that I don't have time for anything. I write on my lunch break, tea break, etc.

I really hope you will understand why I'm taking my time to update. And not to say, sometimes I have classes even on Sundays.

Thank you, if you have reached here. So much thanks for supporting me and my books!!

Jazakh Allah khairan kaseera.

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