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Nisha Miss was looking intently at my homework. I could see her brows drawing together. This was new. She was definitely not used to seeing me doing my homework and that too, precisely.

"Did you copy this from anyone?" Her tone showed a little frustration, but I didn't even spare it any thought. I was happy. I am!

"No, Mam. I didn't." I replied calmly. Her brown dyed hair was pulled back into a messy bun. Strands of them hanging out to her face.

I tried hard to ignore it. I hate messy buns! Even I hate putting hair in a bun!
It kinda gives me vibes of uncleanliness!

"Well, it seems you have a brain nevertheless." She slammed the book slightly on the bench before turning back to the class.

I sighed! Ya Allah, why does she hate me? All I'm being is good to everyone following my Nabi SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. But again, He SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam also received hate.

Again, I sighed out a breath. Allah is with those who are patient! I reminded myself.

"Don't worry, she's being a witch.'' My friend, Raaza commented. To add to the note, Raaza hates Nisha miss more than everyone.

I smiled and winked at her.

This was with most of my teachers. I don't know, but most of them couldn't even stand my presence. Maybe it's because they know I have nothing. Or maybe because I'm an orphan.

The thought brought tears to my eyes, and I smoothly blinked them away.

Allah sees everything!

"Who did you pay to do your homework? Oh sorry, you can't even afford to buy the book, right?" Zalika, a classmate from behind me commented.

Raaza turned and glared at her, making her shut up. "I will, soon in the future, break her pointy nose!" Raaza whispered slowly.

That made me laugh. Raaza is seriously one bold, cool girl. And a bit lazy. "I give you my permission," I said.

An eternity later, 1 hour of the period came to an end and the class. I was a little excited to go home for multiple reasons.

For instance, Dadi is home. And... it's a good day, right? I like to talk to Dadi. She narrates to me a lot of brave stories of Sahabas(companions of Prophet Muhammed SallAllahu Alahi Wasallam). And I got a lot of accounts homework...

"Oh, Seher bibi, where are you lost?" Raaza snapped her fingers in front of me. "I've been calling your name for hours, now!" she exclaimed.

"Uff! Raaza, stop being such an exaggeration. Hours? Really?" I took my bag and start to walk out of the class.

"Do you want to come with me? My brother's picking me up." Raaza informed, catching up her pace with me.

She is very fond of her brother. He recently graduated from a university in Saudi Arabia. "Is he back home?" I asked.

"Yes! Didn't I tell you? And sorry, I'll get you all the chocolates tomorrow." Her tone was filled with excitement. "So, can we drop you at your home? We can have ice cream as well!"

"Offer is very tempting, but no thanks. Dadi is back, so, I Need to get home early."

We walk out through the huge black front gate, stopping near the guard's booth. We both have to wait for our pickup. I also have to wait for Fara. She is my junior, by the way.

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