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Felix's pov:
Me and my mates are done practicing. Finaly, i can rest tomorrow. Actualy, i want to do something. I haven't talked to my members about it yet, but i really want a tattoo. I know it sounds crazy, but i've been thinking about it for ages and finaly decided that im gonna do it. Im gonna talk to my members about it tonight. I don't want any big crazy tattoo, just one and small.

Chans pov:
After we finished practicing, felix immediatley sat down and started thinking about something. He's been doing this for few days now. It should be something important, right? I gonna ask him right now.

Felix's pov:
I saw chan coming my direction. Before i could realise what was going on, chan was already sitting beside me. His hand on my shoulder.
"hey mate, can i ask you something? If it's okay with you of course."
"O-oh y-yea sure"
" you've been thinking about something a lot lately, do you mind telling me?"
"Ohh about that... i'll tell you and the guys tonight dont worry"
He looked at me and noded. I smiled as he left.

Time skip
__at dinner table__

Felix's pov:
We were eating dinner while han was telling us dumb stories, untill chan interrupted him by saying.
"Oh felix by the way, what was the thing you wanteAd to tell us?"
Everybody stoped talking and laughing and looked at me. I looked around at their curous faces, swallowed the food wich was in my mouth and started talking.
"Soo i've been thinking about it, and i-uhh i want to get a tattoo"
They were totaly not expecting this because their faces were very shoked.
"It wont be a big one plus i want it on my chest, it wont be easy to see."
Chan coughed and smiled at me.
"Well, if thats what you really want then okay."
I widened my eyes and smiled at chat. I could not belive that he said yes.he's literaly like my older brother. If he would say no, then i wouldn't be able to get a tattoo.BUT he said yes so WHO TF CARES.
"Thank you chan hyung. I will go and get one tomorrow morning"
I said, like i was happiest person on the earth. But i was... anyways. Others laughed at my actions, laughed at how happy i was about getting a freaking tattoo. But for me it was whole different thing. After dinner i said my goodnights and went to take a shower. Then i immidietley went to sleep, i was so exited for the next day...

"my tattooartist"-lee felix x readerWhere stories live. Discover now