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Next morning:

  Eunseo and Felix woke up, still cuddled up, hugging eachother. They looked at eachothers eyes and both of them smiled. Felix gave girl a quick peck on her lips and got up to take a shower.

-time skip-

After both of them took a shower and changed they both went down to eat breakfast. Everyone was in the kitchen, looking at the couple, smirking. The couple looked at eachother with questionable look.
"Had fun last night?" Minho asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"What do you mean hyung, we did't do anything"-felix.
"Mhm sure" minho nodded, still smirking.
"Your lips are sayng the opposite"han added. Couple looked at eachother, only to notice their swollen lips. Both of their eyes widened.
"Uhmm im gonna drop eunseo at her house. We will eat outside" felix yelled, grabbed eunseos hand and both of them rushed outside.

*in car*

"I cant belive what just happened." Felix said wile driving, he was shocked.
"For real. And by the way, mr.felix those hickeys you gave me are very very dark and bruised, and i dont think it will be gone for a month."eunseo said as she smacked felixs arm. He just laughed and then smirked.
"That means i did a great job"-felix.
Eunseo turned her face away because she was blushin like a tomato.
"Shut up felix"-eunseo.
"Excuse me? Do you want to redo what we did last night?"felix asked smirking. Her eyes widened as she heard that. Boy started driving. Eunseos eyes widened when she felt stong hand on her thigh. She looked and saw felix smirking. She put her hand on top of his, as she looked away, cause she was blushing mess. Felix smirk was immediatley switched by a sweet smile.
"We are here"felix stoped the car and looked at the girl. They both got out of the car.
"Thank you for dropping me off, you didn't had to. Anyways, bye see you soon" girl was about to walk away when felix grabbed her wrist.
"You're leaving without giving me a goodbye kiss?" He asked with his deep voise,  smirking, again.
"W-what?" Girl was speechless.
"Mhm, whatever you heard darling" he winked. Eunseo was about to pass out. She quickly pecked his lips and ran away.
"Byee" she yelled. Felix chuckled and watched her, running inside her house.

"my tattooartist"-lee felix x readerWhere stories live. Discover now