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(Too much kissing and make out ses. So if you're uncomfortable, pls skip)

"Do you mind if i do something?"-felix.

(Now playing red lights by skz😏)

Eunseo just shaked her head as a No. Then felix went and locked the door and quickly came back to eunseo. Before girl could say anything, Felix smashed his lips on hers. Eunseo was shocked but she kissed back. Felix wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer as she wrapped one of her arm around his neck and playing with his hair with her other hand. Felix suddenly bit her bottom lip wich made girl gasp. Felix took the opportunity to enter his tounge in her mouth. They were kissing mess wich turned to a makeout session. Felix's arms went down to her thighs and picked her up without braking the kiss. He walked to his desk and sat the girl down. His one hand rubbing her thigh and other on her bare waist. Eunseos legs were wrapped around felix's waist. Her one hand was on his bare chest and with other hand she was playing with his hair. Felix broke the kiss and went down to her neck lightly kissing it. Girl was breathing heavily. Felix picked her up again, still kissing her neck. He sat Eunseo down on his bed and laid her on her back, going on top of her. She was still playing with his hair, breathing heavy from their long kiss.
"Can I mark you?"felix asked between kisses. Eunseo was kinde shocked by the sudden question, but she smiled.
"Y-Yes..." thats all she could say. He started kissing her neck more aggresively but eunseo was quick to react.
"N-not on t-the neck. T-they will s-see it" felix just hummed and went down to her collarbone and since she was wearing just a sportsbra, felix could mark her whole chest.   He was kissing her collarbone, trying to fing her sweet spot. Suddenly girl let out a breathy whimper. Felix just smirked and started sucking and biting her newly found sweet spot. Eunseo quickly covered her mouth with her one hand to cover up her little moans. Felix was holding girl's hand , and his other hand was on her waist, lightly rubbing it. After felix was done with first mark, he went to find other spot and continued what he was doing. And just like that, few minutes later, Eunseo had 5 hickey on her chest. She breathing was very heavy. Felix went down and kissed her tattoo on her stomach, then back to her neck, kissing is again. Eunseo slid her hands in his black, wet hair again.
"I love you" felix whispered between kisses.
"I love you too" girl whispered back, finishing it with a breathy whimper. Felix smirked and kissed her lips again. This time it was sweet kiss. Their tounges exploring eachothers mouth. Soon they both pulled away, breathing heavy. Felix layed next to her. They were facing eachother, cuddling. Eunseos one leg was around felix, he was rubbing her thigh. His other hand being wrapped around her waist. None of them were moving. They fall asleep in a comfortable silence...


What did i just wrote?
Anyways, I'm almost finishing this book and just tell me who i should write next story about.
Have a nice day.♡

"my tattooartist"-lee felix x readerWhere stories live. Discover now