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Felix's pov:

  I was in the car, thinking. Should I do It? Should I ask her to be my girlfriend? I will do it. I'll take her out on a date and ask her to be my girlfriend. Befor i could even notoce, I've reached her house.

    Third persons pov:
Felix knocked on eunseos door and not even 10 seconds later door opened, revealing girl in oversized clothes. Felix smiled and handed the girl her charger.
"Thank you so much"-eunseo
"Hey uhm eunnie uhm..."-felix
"What is it lix"-eunnie
"Can I talk to you please"-felix
"O-of course come in" eunsei said as she steped aside to let felix in. They went into the living room. They both sat on the couch. The girl was waiting for felix to say something. After a minute or two of silence felix finaly broke it.
"Uhm, eunnie I know this sounds wierd but I-I like you. N-no I love you. I know we met eachother not while ago but you, you make me so happy. It's okay if you don't feel the same, I just wanted you to know how I feel"- felix said. Eunseo was listening to him with  wide eyes.
"Nevermind, I am stupid. I shouldn't have said that."-felix
He got up and was about to leave but eunseo was quick so she grabbed his wrist, stoping him.
"When did I say that I didn't felt the same cause I don't remember saying it"-eunseo.
Felix's eyes widened as he sat down, smiling at the girls words. He held both of girls hands in his.
"You like me back?"-felix
"Yes you dumbass I do"-eunnie.
Felix hugged the girl tight. Both of them giggling. suddenly felix pulled away and held the girl by her shoulders, looking deep in her eyes.
"I want to make this official so. Kim Eunseo will you be mine?"-felix
"Yes, yes I will be yours"-eunnie.
      Felix kissed ger lips. It was deep, sweet kiss. Wich was enough to start things. Felix pulled her on his lap. She wrapped her legs around his waist, one of her hand playing with his hair, othe on his neck. Felix one had on her waist, he was rubbing his thigh with other hand. They were making out for a while before they both pulled away, both of them out of breath. Felix went down and started placing sweet kisses on her neck. He placed one last kiss on her lips. Eunseo laid next to him. He wrapped his arms around girls waist and pulled her closer to him. Her back was now pushed against his back. Felix hid his face in the crook of her neck, placing small kisses on it.
"Eunseo, you made me happiest man alive. I love you so much."
"I love you too hun"

  Felix's pov:
Who would have thought, that just a tattoo salon, well a tattooartist could change my life...

   Eunseos pov:
Who would have thought, that just a new customer, well a special customer  could change my life...- Eunseo

The End


Hey everyone, so I will just add epilogue and this book will be officialy finished.
Hope you enjoyed my book.
Take care and I love you.

"my tattooartist"-lee felix x readerWhere stories live. Discover now