1. The First Time

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Chapter One

-Harry's point of view

I was walking down the road by myself. It's kind of early in the morning because I don't want to be late for school. Well, I guess you know what I am. I'm a nerd in our school. I'm your typical silent, not so sociable nerd. Hence, why I'm walking alone.

I kind of got used to it, because all of the people in my school don't want to talk to me. Why? Because someone or should I say, a group of people are spreading rumours that I have some sickness that can be transfered to other people and yeah, most of the people are just so gullible about it or they are just scared of that group of guys.

I am now a senior by the way but, the juniors treat me as if I'm a junior like them. Why I don't just fight back and protect myself? Well, I can't. I don't want to be in trouble. I have a clean record at the principal's office for a couple of years. And now, in my last year of being highschool, I don't want to ruin it. It's like, one of my precious golds.

But the most important one, are my studies. I need to be the valedictorian again in our batch. I was the valedictorian of our batch when I was in grade six. And I promise my mum that I will be again before I go to college. Oh, I forgot to say my name.

Hi! My name is Harry Edward Styles. I'm a senior now, and you already know that. Appearance? I have a curly, chocolate brown hair, green, boring eyes and lips. Yeah, just lips. There's nothing special about my lips, it's just plain normal. Everything about me is just plain. Except for my height.

My height is so ridiculous. I'm so tall. I don't know why but there's advantage and disadvantage of being tall. Like, you can see the show even though you're at the back, girls like tall guys and many more. And the disadvantages are, you're more like to stand out from the crowd and since I'm a shy guy, it's like a scary thing for me.

As I was kicking the rocks I found on the road, I heard the sound of motor making it's way to me. I looked at my back and saw a person, riding a motor was about to ran me over. I made my hand like a shield and back away immediately. "Woah! Woah!" I almost yelled when she finally hit the brake that made me sigh in relief.

"Oops! My bad." I heard a girl's voice then, she took of her helmet. She swayed her head left and right as her dirty blonde hair was freed from the helmet. I was mesmerized by her. She's so beautiful, I admit. She looked at me and smirked. I gulped. Why am I so nervous?

"Hop in." She said. Two of my eyebrows raised and my eyes widened at the same time. "M-Me?" I asked her while pointing at myself. "Who else?" She said in a 'duh' tone while rolling her eyes at me. I slowly made my way to her, still shocked that a kind of girl like her will talk to a person like me. Remember the reason why I'm always alone?

She's like, out of my league. Not even close to it. That's why I'm still confused if this is true or am I just dreaming. "Faster!" She demmanded and I gulped again then hopped on her motor. "Wear this." She passed me a black helmet and I caught it. Well, actually, I almost not catch it because I'm a bad catcher. I'm bad at anything. Except books. I suck at anything that's sports-related.

I wore the helmet and hopped on her motor. "Hold on tight, dork." She said and immediately started the engine, and I think I just left my soul on the road I was in a couple of minutes of ago. She ascended the pace of the engine and that made me hug her waist. I heard her laugh and let me say, it was the most angelic sound I have ever heard.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked her. "Because you're such a coward!" She said, laughing again. "Hey! I-I'm not a coward!" I defended myself. She snorted. "Yeah, sure." She replied. I glared at her and tried to loosen my grip on her waist. But as soon as I did that, I almost fell. "Oh my god!" I nearly screamed.

She started laughing again. "See? You're a coward!" She said. "What if I am? Will you judge me? Will you make another stupid rumour about me and spread it all over the campus? Then fine! Stop the motor!" I said and the motor slowed down. When it finally stopped, I went off her motor, took off the helmet and started walking. "Hey! Where are you going?!" She yelled.

"At the campus! By myself!" I yelled back. "But--"

"But what? You're gonna say sorry to me because you pity me?! No! Don't pity me! I'm used to being alone an--"

"Just listen to me please!" She demanded and stomped her foot. "No! I can't listen to you! And I won't listen to you! Thanks for the ride but I will go by myself!" I said and continue walking again. "Hey!" She yelled again. I stopped and looked at her. "What?!"

"You're walking the wrong way!" When I heard her said that, my cheeks immediately flushed and my eyes widened. "U-Umm.." I stuttered and gave her the helmet that's been in my hand. But instead, she held my wrist and made me look at her. "I'm not that kind of person, Harry. Me too, I don't have friends. Because, all they do was backstab me and just simply be bitches behind my back. So, I decided to just be alone. I can always notice you though. You're so peaceful and quiet, so innocent. I want to talk to you but I can't. I don't know why. Maybe you're just too absorbed by your own little bubble-like world. And when Jason and his gang bullied you? I was the one who saved you. You didn't saw me because your glasses was thrown away. But I understand you, Harry. Because, I've been there. I've been through that."

I looked back at her, shocked and amazed at the same time. "I-I didn't know that a person like you experienced what I have experienced. I-It's just, surprising and a lot to take in. B-But, I'm really sorry if I judged you a while ago. I don't know. I can't do anything but shut people out because I'm too afraid that if I let them in, in my 'bubble-like world' as you may call it, they may pop that and I can't make another bubble to protect me. I guess, I really am a coward. Physically and emotionally." I looked down.

"Come on." She said and lightly pull my wrist. "Where?" I asked her, confused. "To a place that only the two of us knows." She smiled and that made me smile too. "Wear that again." She said and I wore my helmet and she did too. She hopped in first on her motor then, I did after her.

"You ready?" She asked me. "Wait, wait. Hold up!" I said and she looked back at me. "Is there a problem? Are you afraid that we might get crashed or some sort? Nah, that's never gonna happen. Trust me." She said. "No, it's not that." I replied. "Then what is it?" She asked me again. "What's your name?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

She laughed before answering me. "Jaquilyn Oakwood, at your service Mr. Styles!" She said and started the engine before I could respond.

"Are you sure you know where are we going?" I asked her for the millionth time now. "Yeah, I know. Hold my bag." She said and slammed it right on my stomach. I grunted. She looked back at me and smirked. "Wimp." I heard her mumbled. "Hey! I heard that!" I said to her. She just chuckled.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked her then, she looked at her wristwatch. "Nine o'clock, why?" She looked at me as if it was the most casual thing in the world. "What?! We're late!" I literally panicked. "I don't care. C'mon." She said amd tried to grab my wrist but I stepped back. "No! You come with me! We're gonna be late!" I yelled at her.

"I don't care! Is this your first time to skip classes? Are you afraid that your gonna be suspended? Because me, I don't. Now, c'mon!" She demanded again. "No! I'm going to school now and if you don't want to come with me then don't!" I said and walked back to where we came from.

"That is the first time I met Jaquilyn Oakwood. The first time I talked to her, became friends with her, came late to the class and got in the first fight with her."

-Author's note.

Yo guys! Chapter one is up! I hope you enjoyed that though. And if you did, please vote, comment and follow us. Okay?

Lovey'all & be careful always :)

-TFW ❤

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