2. On A Saturday

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Chapter Two

-Harry's point of view

"Hey! Don't leave me here!" Jaquilyn whined when I said that I'm heading back to the school. I didn't respond to her. She doesn't understand my need to be in the school and not miss every lesson the teachers teach us. And, at the same time, I would never understand why she doesn't care. But, we just met a few hours ago. How am I supposed to know everything about her in just a few hours, right?

I should not judge her. Because if I do, that's not the Harry I used to know. "Hey!" Jaquilyn said and grabbed my shoulder. "What?" I asked in a calm voice. "Why do you have to be so stubborn and go back to the school?" She asked me, she looks quite irritated. But I kept my poker face. "Because I need to." I responded and started walking again.

"Ugh! You're so irritating!" She said and I didn't looked back at her, I just kept walking until I reach the road again. "I won't drive you there." She said with crossed arms over her chest. "Okay. I'll walk." I simply shrugged at her. I caught her roll her eyes and hopped on her motor. She didn't wore her helmet and she started the engine.

She went on my side, with her on the motor and imitating my normal walking pace. "Okay, hop in, Curly." She said. I looked at her with my eyebrows furrowed. "Do you want to be in the school quickly than your pace or not?" She asked me in a sarcastic way. I smiled and hopped in behind her. "I don't even know why I'm doing this." I heard her mumbled before we dozed off.

"Mr. Styles, you're late. For the first time. And Ms. Oakwood, it's glad to see your face again in my class after you absent for so many times." The teacher said to us sarcastically. "I'm really sorry Mrs. Brown." I said to her and looked at the ground. "Well, I'll it slide for now but if you did it again, you two will have detention, got it?" Mrs. Brown said and we nodded.

"You may take your seats now." Mrs. Brown announced and I scurriedly went over to my seat, at the back, all alone. But now, I'm happy to have Jaquilyn by my side. "Please pass forward your assignments." Mrs. Brown announced and I immediately opened my bag to get my assignment but I heard Jaquilyn mumbled something.

"Oh shit, we have assignment?" She asked herself. I looked up at Mrs. Brown and saw that she was too busy reading our textbook. So, I grabbed another piece of paper and wrote down the answers there. I changed the font and made it properly. At least Mrs. Brown wouldn't notice it because I have a very significant messy handwriting. I wrote Jaquilyn's name on the top and gave it to her.

She looked at me, confused. "Just pass it." I said and passed mine in front of me. She did too but slowly. I guess she's still trying to process what just happened. "What did you do?" She asked me finally. "I got another piece of paper and copied all of my answers to that paper and wrote your name on the top so you have an assignment to pass to Mrs. Brown." I explained and shrugged at the end.

"Why did you do that? What if Mrs. Brown thought that I copied to someone else?" She asked me worriedly. I smiled, showing my dimples. "I left the other numbers blank so Mrs. Brown wouldn't suspect about your score and I did the handwriting properly and different from mine." I said then she sighed in relief.

She smiled and showed me her fist. I looked at her then to her fist. "Fistbump." She said. I nodded in understanding and bumped lightly my fist on her's. "You're so cool, Harry." She grinned.

"Mum?" I called out. My mum looked at me with a smile. "Yes, dear?" She replied while cooking our lunch. "Is it okay if I bring my friend over here?" I asked her while fiddling my fingers on my lap. "Yes, of course, honey!" She answered enthusiastically. I looked up at her and smiled. "Thanks, Mum." I said and hugged her from behind.

My smile got bigger when I heard the doorbell rang. I immediately went up to our door and opened it. I saw a very casual-looking Jaquilyn. "Hey." She waved at me with a smile. "Come in." I said and opened the door wider for her. "Is she here yet, Haz?" My Mum asked. "Yes, Mum. Come're and meet her." I answered back. Jaquilyn sat on the sofa and I sat beside her.

"Your home was very lovely." Jaquilyn said while looking at her surroundings. "Really? I thought it's very girly." I said and that made her chuckle. "No it's not. It's beautiful." She argued. I just shrugged with a smile while looking at her. "Oh, there she is!" My Mum said and my head snapped to her direction. Jaquilyn looked at her too and stood up with a smile.

"Goodnoon, Mrs. Styles." Jaquilyn greeted. But my Mum hugged her and that made shocked Jaquilyn for a second. But recovered to it and hugged her back. "Oh, just call me Anne. You're welcome here everytime you want." She smiled at her while Jaquilyn returned the gesture. "She's very beautiful, Harry. Good job." My Mum whispered and winked at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her with a smile and shook my head. She can act like a teenager sometimes but that's one of the reasons why I love her.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else?" I looked at her and she was looking at the ceiling. We were in my room by the way. Just lying on my bed, next to each other. "Yeah, sure." I replied. She held my wrist and yanked me away from the bed. She opened the door and we went downstairs. "We're going for a walk, Mum!" I said to her and she just nodded at us.

We went outside the house and Jaquilyn practically ran on the road. "Hey! Wait for me!" I yelled and she just laughed at me. Oh no, she forgot about my long legs doesn't she? I fastened my pace and caught her. She squealed when I carried her. She weighs like nothing. "I got you." I said to her but she was just laughing.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her and put her down. "Stop, don't touch me. I'm ticklish." She said, gasping for air. I gave her a devilish smile and her eyes widened. "No Harry, stop!" She said and started running again while laughing. I laughed too and ran after her. We ran and ran until we reach a house. Just a simple house. But it's cute.

I saw Jaquilyn held the doorknob. "Hey! What're you doing?" I whisper-shouted at her. "Just come with me." She whispered back and opened the door finally. We went inside and sure enough, just like the outside, it looks also cute and simple on the inside. "Who's living here?" I asked and sat on the sofa. Jaquilyn sighed and sat beside me.

"My Mum and Dad." She answered. "Oh really? So, this is like, your house?" I asked her again. She chuckled at me. "No. It's not like that. My Dad built this place for him and Mum. My grandparents don't really like my Mum so, her my Dad would go to this place. It's like their sanctuary. They were always here. It's like, this is the place where their love for each other flourished." She said.

I nodded in understanding. "You should invite me to your house so I can also meet you family." I said and put my hands at the back of my head. "Really? You want to?" She asked me, quite shocked. I looked at her and smiled. "Yeah, I'm sure. I bet they are sweet and kind." I said to her. She looked down with smile but soon enough, tears rolled down her cheeks.

I immediately held her chin and made her look at me. "Why are you crying? What happened?" I asked her worriedly and wiped away her tears with my thumbs. She sniffed. "Nothing. I'm just glad that I'm not alone now. Because you're here with me."


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