4. Practice

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Chapter Four

-Harry's point of view

"To my own sanctuary." I said and I saw that her eyes immediately filled with excitement and happiness. She took my hand and I dragged her away from our school. We ran and ran again while smiling. Letting the wind blew our hair and to our faces. I looked at her and the sun was reflecting to her face.

She's so beautiful. When she smiles, it's like, so peaceful. "You look really beautiful when you smile." I suddenly said. She looked at me. "Huh?" She asked. My eyes widened. What did I just said? "Huh? Um, what?"

"What did you just say?" She asked me and stopped running. I stopped too and looked at her. "I didn't said anything." I said and looked at her side. She squinted her eyes at me for a couple of minutes but decided to just let it slide and she shrugged. "Hmmkay. Sure, Curly." She said and laughed lightly in the end. I dragged her once again, quite blushing at the same time. Why did I said that out loud? She might think that I'm a creep because of that.

I pushed the thought away and looked at the familiar surroundings. I've always been a fan of forests ever since I was still young. I always come here when it's morning and when it gets dark, I'll immediately go home already. Sometimes, I wish I'm not afraid of the dark so I can stay here a little bit longer. But, I made a like a treehouse thingy in it and I stored my favorite things in there.

"You're actually the first person to go in there besides me." I said while slowing down my pace a little bit. "Oh, really? I feel quite special, Harry." She laughed in the end. "Yeah, you're really special to me." She looked at me once again, this time, with a smile. "You're really special to me too, Curly." She said and somehow, my heart immediately beat rapidly.

"U-Umm, w-we're already here." I said. I don't know why I'm stuttering but I suddenly felt nervous. "Oh, this is lovely." She said and looked at the surroundings before going inside. I went after her and shut the door behind us. "Wow.." She said in awe as she looked everywhere in my sanctuary. "This surely is a sanctuary." She mumbled as she swipe her fingers on the table.

"Harry?" She called out. My eyebrows raised and I went near her. "Hmm?" I hummed in response. "Can you play something for me?" She said and looked at me. I gulped. Our faces are just inches apart. "U-Uh, y-yeah, of course." I stuttered once again. She smiled and took a seat near the piano. I grabbed my guitar and started to sing.

Don't let me,
Don't let me go,
'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

Don't let me,
Don't let me go,
'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

Don't let me,
Don't let me go,
'Cause I'm tired of sleeping alone

I finished the song and opened my eyes to look at her. She was looking back at me, her eyes are almost filled with tears. I put down my guitar and scooted closer to her. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" I whispered at her. She sniffed and wiped the tear with the back of her hand. She tried to smile at me but I can see that it doesn't reach her eyes. "Nothing.. It's nothing, Harry." She said.

"It's okay. I'm here." I cooed and hugged her. I caressed her arm so she could calm down. "I'm sorry I made you cry." I whispered at her. She looked up at me, her eyes are red and puffy. "No, no, it's not you who made me cry. It's just, the song. It's full of emotions. The sadness, the loneliness, I felt it, Harry. D-Do you made that song?" She asked me in the end.

"Yeah, I made that song. It's just, I thought it's silly." I laughed in the end, and looked down, feeling slightly embarassed. I don't know why I'm embarassed but I just do. "No, it's not silly. It's beautiful." She said and my head snapped at her direction. I smiled gratefully. "Thanks." I said. "We can make another song and the piece can be the song that we will sing on the contest." She said with an excited smile on her face.

"Are you sure about that? I mean, we can't take a risk." I said, hesistantly. She sighed and put her chin on her palm. "But we can be originals. Different is great, right?" She looked at me, hope was in her eyes. I mimicked her actions. "Yeah, you have a point. If we want to win, we should make now then?" I said to her.

She smiled and nodded excitedly. I chuckled at her. "You're so cute." I mumbled unexpectedly. "Huh?" She looked at me with confusion. "Huh? Um, here's paper. We should make now." I said and grabbed my notebook and opened it. I also grabbed my pen and started writing but she just kept looking at me. "Why are you looking at me?" I asked her with furrowed eyebrows.

She chuckled. "Nothing. You're just acting so weird lately, Curly. But I like it." She said. I felt my cheeks flushed and I tried to focus more on the song but I can't. All I can think about is her smile. Her beautiful smile. I don't know. It could like, light up my whole day and even make me forget about the bad things or problems that has happened to me. But somehow, because of5 her, I started off the first line. Then, it goes on and on and on. I can't stop. I have never felt like this before.

I felt so inspired. I felt so alive. My chest feels really light and my heart is pounding so fast. My pen scribbled on the paper while she just look at me. "Hey, hey. You're writing too fast. Let me see your work." She chuckled lightly and snatched the notebook out of my hand before I could protest. She red it and looked at me after. I didn't looked back at her. I was too embarassed to look back at her.

"Harry?" She called out. "Yeah?" I replied but I was looking down and fiddling my fingers. "How did you make this?" She asked me and looked back at the notebook once again. "Um, the lyrics?" I asked back. "Yeah, they're beautiful." She commented. "I-I don't know. It just went in my mind." I said but the truth is, having her beside me is the reason.

She's my inspiration. But she can't know that. She can't or else, I might lose another friend.


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