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i awoke to rather annoying tapping on my shoulder, opening my eyes i couldn't help but slightly glare at the girl that woke me up. my best friend, claire, chuckled at my look and i shifted my gaze out the car window. we were driving down a long pathed driveway, approaching the base. surrounding us was the dry isolated desert, i hadn't seen anything like it before. still trying to desperately wake up as i rubbed one of my eyes.

had i really slept the whole three hour car ride?

we landed in northern new mexico prior, having a driver drive us down south to the military base. the time zones were definitely screwing me over, my body feeling like it was 7 pm but here it was 12 pm. i can't be one to complain though.

"why aren't you wearing your dog tag?" claire asked curiously, her tone was genuine.

i looked at her, slightly surprised she had noticed only now. i hadn't worn it in a year after i had given it to someone i knew i was never going to see again, it was even partially claire's fault. though i could never hold it against her...

"lost it awhile ago." i told her simply, shrugging.

"you should get a new one." she responded, looking out the car window.

i really didn't want to, i didn't like the dog tags.
there is more to me than my military identity.


stepping out of the car, and grabbing out luggage from the trunk. we turned to face the base, a lot different from ours, more modern. though it was definitely remote. i walked alongside miss tag thorpe, whom was taking long strides, whereas i looked like i was speed walking. i could feel the heat, i wasn't well dressed for the temperature change. my long sleeve camo jacket with the matching thick pants.

as we approached the runway part of the base, three figures standing there, all men. i recongnized them all from their picture on their file.

"good to see you again mactavish and riley!" i was surprise to hear tag say the first words in full confidence despite the rather serious faces some of them had, though i couldn't see one of theirs.

"ghost to you."  the masked man's gruff voice said. he was obviously simon riley. the skeleton mask, and there was no picture on his file.

"good to see you too, claire." mactavish gave her a slight smile. then everyone's eyes fell onto me, i swallowed, my eyes flickering between the men.

"this is sergeant addis-" tag began, assuming i wasn't going to speak.

"mouse." i quickly interrupted, who gives a damn about my rank and full name.

"scottish lass," mactavish grinned, "i'm sergeant john 'soap' mactavish." he stuck out his hand, i shook it lightly.

"so you do speak." ghost said, i couldn't read his tone. he felt threatening. i couldn't read anything on his face, but it still felt judging.

"sometimes." i replied flatly, i stare back at him, exactly how he's staring down at me.

"she's selective mute, ghost." tag gave him a small smile. ghost gaze was quickly on her, i could almost see his brows furrow under the mask.

"how does she communicate on missions then?" he asked, it wasn't in a friendly tone. he crossed his arms slightly and i could see the tattoos all over his arms. this man was clearly something and i don't know if i like it or not.

tag then pressed a button on a walkie-talkie that was located in a pocket on my chest. it let out a beep.

"one for yes," she continued, clicking the button twice which let out two more beeps, "two for no."

"she communicates her location, or if she needs help, and everything else." tag noted.

"fuckin' hell.." ghost muttered out, his eyes shut for a moment in distaste.

i wanted to roll my eyes. i knew i was going to be underestimated, but i just had to prove why i am here.

ghost didn't bother to introduce himself, by the examination i gave him earlier he didn't feel the need too.

price stuck his hand out for me to shake,
"welcome to task force 141, i'll show you where you'll be staying."

we begun walking past the runway, and into the side doors of the military base. it was huge, had a lot of white theme things, white rooms. big conference rooms with large glass windows, many offices, a huge gym, a shooting range, but that's simply all that we walked by.

we finally reached a door with a silver plaque on it, that read '141'.

as we entered, the room look like a standard area, a common room with a tv, some cards, and board games underneath. ping pong table, table and eight chairs. i could see two others that simply gave us a smile and a wave before price began leading us to our rooms. soap and ghost made their way to the couch.

"your rooms are this way." price began to lead us down a hall way with multiple spread out doors, once they reached the end of the hall, we three were standing in front of two doors. one on the left and one on the right.

"i guess you can fight over which one you want." he chuckled. "let me know if you need anything." he said before walking back to the common room area.

i didn't feel the need to negotiate and opened the door that was the closest to me on the right, carrying my luggage inside. the room was nice, neutral colours, definitely a boring room, but nice.  it fit the standard barracks dorm.

there was a desk, with a chair, a nice queen sized bed with grey sheets on it. a connected bathroom to the room which had a stand up shower and everything else a normal bathroom had.

i began to unpack, not knowing what else to do.  putting her things in clothes in the drawers and everything else were i would normally put them.

i heard footsteps outside my room but they seemed to be walking away.

"soap!" i could hear tag call.

"do you think i could get another dog tag here? mouse lost hers, she needs a new one." tag spoke quietly, but not quiet enough, i could still hear her.

i rolled her eyes at the amount of effort of tag getting her a new dog tag. i don't know why she cares so much, it was a silly little silver plate with a chain.

"i'm sure you can, i'd ask head office, i guarantee they can give you a knew one by tonight." i heard soap say.

"perfect." tag began walking away from him and into my room.

tag stood behind me, as i was crouched putting away my clothes.

"fill it out. for your dog tag." was all she said, ripping a page off her notepad and leaving it on my desk with a pen.

i sighed, and sat down at the desk. i begin to scribble out my information needed. tag left the room to go continue whatever she was doing.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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