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it was rather early on a saturday, surprisingly the task force got called into a meeting. it wasn't technically a day off, though the boys tried to use it as one, sleeping in, taking time to do self-care.

simon 'ghost' riley definitely wasn't pleased at the fact he was heading to the conference room at seven in the morning, when he much rather be sleeping. swinging the door open, he took the last seat, everyone was already there. price stood at the end of the table, files were in front of him, ghost noticed laswell. she wasn't usually here to attend meetings, his eyes lingered on her as he wondered if this was an important mission, although their expressions said otherwise.

price began to spoke, but ghost was barely listening, he was still just waking up.

"we're wanting to expand the task force." he did hear from price, that suddenly peeked his interest. he looked at the other men, gaz, soap, and alejandro. sure there were few men, but they were mighty. ghost couldn't seem to see what else price could want, his brows slightly furrowing under the mask.

"kate has helped me find two strong people we think would be a good fit."
ghost noticed how short price was being, giving little to no detail. price handed two files to gaz, as gaz carefully read them over he gave them to alejandro.
gaz and alejandro didn't seem to say anything, though ghost knew soap had something to say as soon as his brows furrowed slightly reading the files.

"two girls?" soap spoke, glancing from the files at price.

"two women, soap." laswell correct a small grin on her lips, soap didn't have anything else to say before finally handing the files to ghost.

the first one was a long haired brunette, claire thorpe aka 'tag'. a lieutenant in the british special forces. she was skilled being a sniper, SAS training.

the next file was, addison 'mouse' lockhart. shoulder length brunette hair and a few notable scars on her face. similar skill set to claire, though she was more combative. both girls had a long list of missions they were on, notes about them on every mission, both from the uk.

ghost's gaze was flickering 'mouse's file when he saw bold written letters stating;

'does not talk. '

he felt his brows furrow. had price gone mad? putting a mute on their team could easily get them killed, no contact was barely possible.

"she doesn't talk?" ghost blurted out, a bit of a harsher, not impressed gaze falling on price, but quickly relaxed it knowing he shouldn't question a superior.

"a woman of few words." laswell said, a faint smile on her lips despite ghost's sour mood and reaction. he stared as laswell for a few moments as if she had went crazy, he began lightly shaking his head. the files fell flat on the table and ghost crossed his arms.

"she's one of the best, ghost." price began, "i wouldn't have chose her other wise."

though ghost had no faith in his words, feeling like price was practically setting them up for failure already. ghost bit his tongue, keeping quiet, eyes were on him, though the boys were questioning it as well, though choosing not to say anything aloud.

ghost paid no mind to the rest of the meeting as he felt it was no longer important, price bringing up proper etiquette..

he wasn't excited or pleased to say the least, deep down anxious for what was to come. how much time they had before everyone on the task force was dead.

how yall doinggg

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