- 23. Shallow

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this story WILL contain blood, violence, and murder!

if you are uncomfortable with any of the things above, do not read!

⨯⨯ NOTES ⨯⨯
Sorry for the short chapter!

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WE end up taking the fight outside, the area completely deserted.

Gyutaro goes to attack Tengen but was blocked by Tanjiro who landed behind me, making me take a quick glance before focusing back on the uppermoon.

It's a wonder he can even move at all!

An obi then attacks Tanjiro, knocking him back even further down the street.

After exchanging a few more attacks with Gyutaro, I notice the presence of someone on a roof nearby.


The Kunai get launched towards us as I freeze for a moment.

"Blood demon art! Rampant arc rampage!"

A dome surrounds him, knocking all the kunai's back.

Tengen takes that chance to dash forward, landing an attack that cuts off part of his legs, a kunai stabbing his neck.

I rush forward, making a move to cut off his neck along with Tanjro.

Suddenly, he regenerates his legs backing me flinch.

Oh shit.

"Man... that poisoned sure packed a punch, but bows it's my turn." His grin becomes craze, "Blood demon art. Rotating circular slashes.. flying blood scythes!"

I hurriedly kick Tanjiro back, making him fly into a nearby building.

Oh. That was a lot more force than I meant...

"Sound breathing, fourth form, constant resounding slashes!"

"Blood breathing, fourth form, cutting Edge!"

We deflect all the attacks, the dust clearing to be met with nobody in sight.

"Hinatsuru!" Tengen calls as he notice's her on the roof.

"I'll draw the belts attention. Don't mind me! I'll take care of her! You find that dem—"

Hinatsuru gets cut off by a hand covering her mouth, Gyutaro appears next to her.

"You've got some nerve jumping into this fight. But now you have to suffer the consequences of that choice." Gyutaro opens one of his eyes, glaring at her as she trembles.

"Hinatsuru!" Tengen yells before he has to deflect another one of the obi sashes.

The obi surround us as I panic, why can't I remember what happens after, damnit?!

I decide to just go with my gut, cutting the obi sashes before dashing onto the roof.

"Blood breathing, fifth form, obscure cuts!"

𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 ; demon slayerWhere stories live. Discover now