Sugar Coat

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After a long hard day of training we were finally settled in my hut, just chilling. "It must be very hard to keep your hair tamed throughout the day. Isn't it a hassle?" Aonung asked me. "Such a hassle" I groan. "Have you ever tried braids? It helps" Tsireya suggests. "That actually might be a good idea" "Come". A few minutes later Tsireya had done two braids In the front so I could still have my hair down and out of my face. It looked good I kinda liked it. I noticed Lo'ak looking at me with daggers in his eyes. I kept my cool  and ignored it, as Tuk sat down by me. 

"So...if you didn't look up to your father who did you look up to?" She asked. This question really got me thinking. Who DID I look up to? And why? "I guess...I didn't look up to anyone" I said. Lo'ak scoffed and stood up. "Lo'ak..." "Just fucking admit it! You looked up to him! You wanted to be just like him! God, You don't have to sugar coat it!" He yelled. Tsireya took tuk's hand and walked her out of the room. "Are you even listening? To a word I said? I never want to be like him! And even if I did, it's not like I could because he was never around!" I huffed back, standing. "Ha, I can tell why...-" "Lo'ak!" Neteyam growled. "That's enough. Come on" Neteyam took Lo'ak by the braid and walked him out of my hut. Leaving me and Aonung there, speechless.


"Lo'ak! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Neteyam scolded. "I don't know what your talking about" Lo'ak muttered. "Hey! You had no right to talk to her like that! You don't have ANY idea of what she's been through!" "She killed my spirit brother" "NO SHE DIDN'T!! Her dad did! She is NOT her father!" "You don't know that! Well? What's next? First it's taking her under our aid? Then it's braiding her hair? What's next? Pushing her on a swing?" Neteyam hissed at him with rage in his eyes. Lo'ak shoved him, hissing back. "HEY! That's enough!" Their father yelled. "Now, wanna tell me what's going on?"

"Tell him, Lo'ak. Tell him how you treated Lyre" Neteyam said. Lo'ak looked to the ground. "What? What the hell happened that has Lyre involved?" Jake Sully asked, sternly. "Are you gonna tell him or should I?" Neteyam asked. "Lo'ak you BETTER start talking, boy" Jake Sully demanded. "Fine I-" "He went off on Lyre. Made her feel unwanted" Neteyam answered for him. Jake Sully looked at Lo'ak with disappointment and anger in his eyes. "Neteyam you're excused". Neteyam left. Jake Sully looked at Lo'ak. "What the hell, Lo'ak? Do any of my words mean anything to you? I know you're at the age where you HAVE to rebel against any of the words I say to you but when I say you treat her kindly I FUCKING MEAN THAT SHIT-" "But I-" "Go fucking apologize to her before I get your mother"Lo'ak walked off to find Lyre on the beach curled up, watching the sunset. 



"Hey" a voice said. I turned to see Lo'ak. I scoffed and turned my back on him. "Look, I'm sorry. That was rude and very out of line of me" "Your dad is making you say this, isn't he?" I said. "No actually! He threatened to tell mom what I did. But's possible" "Wuss" I muttered. He plopped himself beside me. "Look! I'm apologizing! Ok? Can you just say 'it's ok' and get over it?" "It's not that easy, Ghost rider. Why did you say that shit to me?" "I don't know. It's just... Every time I think about Payakan there's your face plastered in that thought. And I was thinking about him just when you said that you didn't have a role model. Why did you let your stupid father kill him?"

"Let him? Let him? I was on my knees begging him not to kill Payakan. They had to knock me out to let it process. It was horrible." I said. "You cared?" "I'd say too much" I replied. "Well I have to go back to my hut. I'm gonna try to take a nap before supper" I get off the sand and walk back to my hut. Lo'ak didn't follow me he just stayed behind. I settled myself into the hammock I made and tried to dose myself to sleep. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't doze off to sleep. I kept tossing and turning until I fell off my hammock. A chuckle echoed the room. "Aonung?". Aonung walked in with a smile on his face.

"Sadly" He replied, walking in the hut. "What's up?" He asked. "Nothing much. Just trying to take a nap before I do anything else." I shared. "You?" "Well I came to see if you were okay. Lo'ak was a major jerk to you" "Yeah he was. But I'm fine besides, he apologized" I shrugged. 

"Still didn't make it right." He mumbled. 

Mine: Lo'ak x !FEM!  Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now