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"Put her down right here"

"She's almost ready for the transfering"

"Dad what's going on?"

"Nothing sweetie"

"Guys can you take Tuk? Just for a minute?"

"Come along Tuk, you shouldn't see this"

Everyone(not including Tuk) circled around her dead body, Ronal by her. "Everyone...this shall not work unless we show Eywa how much we praise her. Come join us Brothers and sisters! Let Eywa hear you!" Ronal praised as everyone joined hand in hand. Everyone whispered praises towards Eywa, Ronal leading those praises. Lo'ak praised with desperation that she would come back. The scene repeated in his mind. He could still feel the dagger in his hand from when he drew it on her back. He could still hear her pleas' her screams. It tore him apart to see her dead body laying there, peacefully.

A tear fell from his eye as all hope fell. He knew he messed up terribly. The sound of whispers, prayers, and songs rang the island. Neytiri laid a hand on his shoulder, showing comfort towards her heartbroken son. Worry filled Jake Sully's eyes, for doubts hovered over him. Ronal looked over the body, to see not a move had occurred to Lyre. She silenced the crowd, leaning down to check the pulse. Her eyes darkened, as she stood up. "She is with Eywa now, I'm sorry" She said. Lo'ak's head dropped, he stared to the ground, trying to fight tears.

"She's gone. It's over now" Lo'ak said to the ground. "Lo'ak..." "Stop. Just stop. You ordered me to do this. I did so because you told me it would work. And now, look. That's her body! Right there! Alive? No. Lifeless? Exactly" Lo'ak started to let go of his temper. Neytiri's grip on his shoulder loosened. "Lo'ak. Calm down-"

"Wait...Look! her eyes! They're opening!"

Lo'ak looked toward the body to see very little movement in the eyes. His eyes lit up. "Lyre?". Her eyes opened in her new body. She looked around to see everyone who betrayed her, around her old body. She sat up and looked at her hands. "What the hell?" She whispered. Heads turned to her, as she locked eyes with one who killed her. Instantly she stood up. "Lyre!" Lo'ak rushed over to her to grab her hand. Lyre yanked it off. "Get off of me!" She yelled, as she stormed off to get off of the island. She passed the group of kids helping Tuk stay distracted. "Lyre!" Tsireya cheered. "Where are you going?" She asked as Lyre ran from her.

"I have to get out of here!" She whispered as her breath  hitched. Several pairs of feet followed behind her as the water hit her feet. Arms wrapped around her pulling her away from the ocean. Once they got her far enough away from the water, Lyre threw them off of her. "GET OFF OF ME!!" She yelled. "Lyre you're alive!" Lo'ak smiled. "No. No. YOU DON'T GET TO SAY THAT. YOU- I- UGH!! I remember everything, Lo'ak! You killed me!! You betrayed me!-" "Lyrah he had to or-" " knew? D-did all of you know?" "I-I- I m-mean-" "Yes we all knew-" Neteyam said. "Wait I didn't know-" "So all of you knew?" Lyre felt her whole heart shatter.

She turned away and screamed a mighty scream. Betrayal stung worse than a bee sting, It stung more than her throat, as the scream died down. "I TRUSTED YOU!! I FUCKING TRUSTED ALL OF YOU!!-" "Lyre..." "You know until only 2 days ago I did something I've been struggling with for a long time. I trusted you. I-I thought I found my home. I thought of all sorts of things only to be stabbed in the back. Literally. And the saddest part is, I thought people would change. But they don't. They just hide their true colors." "You don't mean that-" "I hate you. ALL of you! Don't you EVER speak to me again. Try to, you'll be sorry" With that last word, Lyre stomped off, leaving the group silent.

"Well? What are you waiting for Lo'ak?! Go to her!"

Lo'ak ran to Lyre with a burning desperation waving over him. "Lyre wait!" "GET AWAY FROM ME!! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING. YOU RUINED ME!" "I'm sorry..." "I'm sorry? I'm sorry? That's all you have to say?" "No I-" "Enough. I can't handle this anymore. It hurts too much. Stay away from me" Lyre said, coldly.

Lo'ak knew it was over between the both of them. He knew the pain he caused.

Mine: Lo'ak x !FEM!  Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now