Wine Red

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IM BACK BITCHES cos I'm depressed and this book used to make me the happiest I ever been 🤭

Looking both ways before crossing the road, Taehyung blasted Lana fel ray through his earphones as he made his way to the mall. There was no particular reason for him to be at the mall ,except that Jungkook was at uni all day and Taehyung got bored. Of course he could stay home and play some sort of video game to take his mind off being completely by himself in the apartment, with no comfort of a living soul.. but he chose sanity.

Finally walking through the food court, Taehyung stumbled over a book shop. For Taehyung, books were absolutely everything. So much knowledge and entertainment and all in a physical form you can rely on anywhere, unlike modern technology. He was somewhat a nerd when it came to books and that's apparently one of the things Jungkook loved about him. Without any hesitation, Taehyung hurried over, excited to spend hours looking through different book covers.

As much as he loved books, it was almost half past six and he had planned a date night that he hasn't prepared for. Walking out with a giddy smile and a colourful book in his hand, he scurried over to the exit, conveniently walking past a lingerie store. Peeking in, he saw a bunch of beautiful mannequins dressed in frilly lace and sultry colours. It was so pretty, Taehyung just couldn't look away. And so he went in, coming out with another bag and a wine red set. Surely enough this would make just about anyone happy.

Finally unlocking the door to his and jungkooks shared flat, he dropped the bags in the corridor, hurriedly looking at his watch only to find out it's already almost eight and he had no food cooked. That was entirely his fault, considering instead of preparing for the date he decided to go book shopping. Oh and add a wine thong to that as well. Not the kind of wine he needed though.

Taehyung silently scolded himself as he opened the app and ordered some food and Chardonnay, hoping it would come before Jungkook does. Fortunately, about 20 minutes later, everything was set up. Everything looked beautiful, including Taehyung. And so he waited...

And waited...

And waited.. until he fell asleep on the chair he expected Jungkook.

Waking up from a light tap on the shoulder he straightened up his back, realising this would be him.
"Hey! Oh I'm sorry, everything got a bit cold. I thought you were gonna be back sooner..."

Taehyung grabbed a few plates, clearly trained as a waited at his previous job, to take them to the kitchen to heat up.

"Hey, wait. I'm sorry I was late. My lecture got extended" Jungkook scratched the back of his head

"Until ten?" Taehyung questioned, an uncomfortable sensation building in his chest and spreading to his legs. His mind was wondering, looking for excuses but deep inside he knew Jungkook wasn't at the lecture and that truly broke him

"It's okay I'm just gonna heat this up and we'll have dinner and go to bed. Tomorrows a new day" Taehyung smiled as a single tear escaped his eye

"Tae, love, I promise. I was with mrs.Snow because I failed my last exam.." jungkook took a breath "I didn't want to tell you because I was embarrassed and didn't want you to think of me differently"  Jungkook desperately explained, trying to see any sort of change in Taehyungs.

"Oh.. let's just eat" Taehyung proposed, not knowing how to feel. On one hand he should comfort Jungkook but on the other, he should have told him. But instead he made Taehyung feel like shit. And on a date night?

𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 🐾Where stories live. Discover now