~hell kitty

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Taehyung's great grandfather pledged his and all the 2nd born son's of the family souls to the menage of Satan himself ;)

Satan's name: asmodeus
Satan's son's name: jungkook (obviously)

"And you shall have my second son's soul as a gift of honour to thee most incredible man thee world has ever bared"


"Right mum I'm heading off

"Where to?"

"The park mum, I already told you"

"Right, sorry, again you are at the age of 17, if you do end up meeting Satan, you just go along with it, okay son? He won't do any-"

"Yes I know mum, follow the orders of the devil no matter what he says or does... OH also give my fucking soul away, perfect"

"I know this is not ideal, and I hate my grandfather for this, but it must be done otherwise our entire family will be slaughtered, that also means little ivy" she looks over to the baby crib in the corner of the living room. Ivy was my little cousin. Her mother, very sadly, died while giving birth and her father was a one night stand, meaning we were the only ones that could take care of her. Not that we minded at all, she was a blessing


"If anything happens, make sure to call me as soon as you get the chance... He won't kill you, otherwise he will have no use for you" she murmured the last sentence

"What? No use for me?"

"Don't worry about it, now go, have fun!!" She practically pushed me out of the door, making me stumble and trip over my own feet, thankfully catching the railing of the stairs in time

"Jeez, what a mother you are" I laughed before she closed the door, although I heard a small chuckled come out too


The sun was shining on the wet grass after it had just showered rain. The leaves were dripping warm tear drops on my skin as I stood around the small rose bush, admiring the smell and the beauty of the nature

Small breeze weft through my hair as I tried to move on pass the bush, only to be yanked back in

"What the fu-"

I saw a pretty young boy who's hair was dark red, nose was just like a button, eyes so cute they held the stars

I cooed at the boy, completely brushing over the fact he had golden honey eyes, sparkling with... Annoyance



"Humans, for fucks sake" he shook his head before continuing

"I said.. are you Kim taehyung?"

"...are you Satan"

"Holy hell, do I look like Satan to you? I don't even have my horns yet" he pouted. Definitely way too cute to be satan

"So, Kim taehyung, you shall come with me" he cleared his throat to seem a little more intimidating


"W-what?" His confidence dropped a lot, not that I card anyways. All I wanted was to go back to my family. Anyways he doesn't look like he could hurt a fly, let alone slaughter a while family, including an 8 month old baby

"Please, my dad is gonna be super mad at me again" he practically melted. I could see the slight fear in his eyes yet not wanting to give in so easily, I stood strong and said

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