~fuck away the pain

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jungkook feels like he's useless, ugly and worthless as he's practising for bts' next comeback. Just a look in the mirror can get him to breakdown if he's already agitated. However taehyung is his wonderful serotonin, who reminds him how beautiful and worthy the boy is

TW/ some body dysmorphia and maybe eating disorder may be mentioned (not meant to romanticise mental illness or disorders )

My arms are so thin... I need to go to the gym more often

And my stomach is so bloated.... I need to do more exercises

My face is so ugly... Maybe I shoul-

"Hey, kook" jungkook heard as he was cought out of his thoughts. The familiar voice made him a little happy because if not for jimin, he could have ended up breaking down for the 4th time this week

Of course no one knew. Or so he thought. Everyone knew that he was fighting with his insecurities and how bad it was getting to him, hence why they told him to stay home and sleep yesterday. Seeing how the boy was practising from as early as 6am and working out until 1 am to "perfect" his body, the rest of the members were terribly worried about the younger, who was only 19

With only around 3 hours of sleep, jungkook tried to look his best to not worry anyone else as he waved back to jimin and turned back around to go grab his bag, avoiding his own reflection as he did so

"Where ya going?" Jimin asked with his cherry voice, although his facial expression said the complete opposite

Jimin was never the one to hide his emotions and concerns but he tried this time for jungkook's sake. Clearly that wasn't working out as well as he would have hoped

"Relax, I'm just going to the gym,,, gotta get these arms buffed" jungkook chuckled, walking slowly to the door as he felt his legs almost give out from dancing all day

"...okay, be careful" jimin glanced at him as he walked to the computer that was connected to the speakers of the dance studio


"Baby, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked as he eyes the younger in his arms who was chewing on his bottom lip. He couldn't see his face because his head was tilted down and his bangs fell over his forehead

"N-nothing... I'll be back"

Jungkook's stood up from taehyung embrace and rushed to the bathroom, locking it as quick as possible

Taehyung shrugged and remained watching that new show they started about zombies

After a few minutes of silence, taehyung heard a small gasp for air coming from the bathroom

He furrowed his eyebrows and walked to the door, knocking on it slightly

"Jungkook" he said quietly

No response

"J-jungkook, sweetie...are you okay?" Taehyung said softly, as he placed his forehead on the door. As he did so, he heard a small sob. It sounded like jungkook was sitting against the door of the bathroom

"Baby, I know something is wrong... Please talk to me" he said, desperately waiting for an answer. After a few seconds of silence he decided to sit on the floor as he knew the younger was not going to come out any time soon. He rested his head on the door and sighed

"You know I love you, kookie. You're the one person I love most. You are my everything and you will always be my everything. There will never be someone who I will love most, baby. I care for you a great amount and it really hurts seeing you so hurt. I know you've been feeling bad recently, worse than usual but I didn't want to tell you and make it even worse" taehyung sighed, resting his head on his knees

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