-my hot secretary

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Request: please let me know who requested this because I forgot and I want to credit you for the idea (same goes for any other request I didn't credit -sorry about that-)

Summary: Taehyung and Jungkook had a quarrel as teenagers that followed them into their adulthood. Being a drop out it was hard for Jungkook to find a job with his lack of qualification and what a coincidence it is that he landed a job as Taehyungs secretary. Old feelings reappeared, making it unbearable to keep to himself. Basically a love hate relationship fuck

A lot of fluff, kind of angst and SMUTTY (Long chapter ) not proof read 💅🏻

This font for taehyungs thoughts
This for jungkooks
This is normal

"I got you a job"

"REALLY??thank you so much da-"

"As Taehyung's secretary"

Jaw dropping what seemed like all the way to the floor, Jungkook tilted his head, letting out a stiff laugh

"Good one, dad. But for real, what's the job?"

"I'm not kidding, Jungkook. I know your relationship isn't the best what so ever but me and his father have always been close, this was the best choice you could get after dropping out of school"

"Not my fault that the reason I dropped out was because of him" Jungkook pouted, muttering, sentence barely  audible. remembering the harsh words he spoke on his last day before dropping out, he bit his lip harshly to stop the anxious thoughts from bombarding his brain

"... when do I start?"

"Well, he needs you today"


"I know it's very early notice but he needs a secretary asap to help him with his office papers. You don't have to be scared though, he's intimidating I will say that but he treats every employee as equals, unlike those spoiled brats who think they're better than everyone else" Jungkooks dad clenched his fists, looking angrily at the floor before softening his expression and lifting his gaze back up at Jungkook

"You should get ready, I'll drop you off"

With a loud sigh Jungkook nodded, going upstairs to pick his best clothes

"Do I not need to do an interview like everyone else" Jungkook asked once they were in the car, driving up to one of the fanciest buildings in Seoul

"No. He seemed pretty ecstatic to have you"

"Is that so?" Jungkook towards his gaze to his knees with a small blush, remembering taehyungs mesmerising smile

what are you thinking??? You dumbass! Jungkook beat himself up still.. I miss him..


"OH sorry, thanks dad, I'll see you at home!" Jungkook said, smiling as he waved with one hand and opened the car door with the other, stumbling out the car and almost falling into the traffic

"I see you're still as clumsy as you used to be" Jungkook felt a hand on his waist, pulling him up into a upright position and a soft yet deep voice that followed it.

"And you're still as touchy" Jungkook rolled his eyes, trying everything to avoid Taehyungs deep brown eyes.

Taehyung now had blonde hair, quiet a change from his sky blue. I guess he did take more of a professional route, huh? He looked good in the black suit too

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