1ii: The girl

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"Hey! Be careful!" she shouted to the staff that was now standing along with the guy who intruded her privacy. That made them turned to her, obviously confused.

"That man came here dripping blood from his nose. Quickly cover your nose or something." she said and dramatically covered up her nose. She then added, "look it's all over where he stood earlier." she gesticulated to the place her blood was. Before acting so worried. How fake it was!

"I saw blood dripping from his nose. I would have stayed, but then I think it's strange how he wiped his nose up perfectly and left no any sign. This lassa fever ain't a joke you know. He might be not after the treatment but the spreading." She said worriedly and dramatically stood up making way to the door.

All these while he couldn't even talk as the staff kept throwing him strange looks. As if inwardly saying what the wickedness is wrong with you?!

He watched as the staff gently pushed his mouth upward to his nose from his chin where it was tucked in earlier. He kept flashing him some weird looks. He just stood there. He couldn't talk. The heck, he couldn't even comprehend what the girl just did. Did she just....??? Him? Lassa? Since when? Blood? She must be crazy!

Unfortunately for him, nothing was assimilated further in to his brain before he watched her quickly sauntering outta the hospital, entered her car and zoomed off.

The hospital was a small private hospital but with efficient means. So immediately after the small parking lot, is the waiting lounge that was separated from the parking lot by a door.

"Malan in da mota kake yi sauri kaje Aminu Kano. Dr. Imam Wada Bello shi ake nema irin case din ka.(Mr. If you are with a car quickly go to Aminu Kano hospital. Dr. Aminu Wada Bello is the doctor secluded for your case.)" The staff said from behind a mask, as he used his hand to cover his nose, adding more effect to the mask.

Like seriously he calls himself a hospital staff? The guy couldn't help but wonder. He thought even if he had the Lassa — though the girl was blatantly lying, it was a bit extreme treating him that way, especially in a hospital.

What the staff said just made the guy chocked up. He had no any Lasa. He was sure of that. But as results of what this guy in front of him, looking like a crocodile as result of the mask, he had no idea when he started coughing. He coughed on the staff's face!

He saw the staff's eyes bulging out as if they were about to fall off. Whether he did that out of curiosity or fear he had no idea. And he didn't even wants to know.

Only one thing was in his head. Catching that girl!

Only if she had waited!

She should just wait till he catch her!

"Kai yada haka? Security!!! "(Hey what is this? Security!!!)The staff shoutings got him outta his reverie. By now the staff had stumble backward and started pressing hotlines meant for arousal of lassa fever cases.

He had no idea when he hissed loudly and attempt to leave but got stopped by a security. He looked from the security guard to the staff that from all looks of it had made the call and was heaving furiously, perhaps super mad at the thought of not giving them the cooperation needed, and back to the security guard again, who had now stood on his way. He had no time for all these nonsense.

Had it been it's true he had lassa fever would this how they will be acting and treating him? But, after taking a look at his wristwatch again he knew he had no time for this, so he strangely resorted to saying "Aminu Kano zani. Gurin Dr...(I'm going to Aminu Kano hospital to see Dr...)"

He didn't just forget which doctor was that!!!

"Dr. Imam wada Bello." The staff helped him out.

The guy made an appreciative fist with his hand and forced a smile which was totally so fake. "That's it. Bingo!" he whispered.

"In case he isn't around find Doctor Bashir Bello, or Doctor Hello Hello or Doctor Sharif Musa." he said, before adding "Allah baka lfy. (May Allah heal you.)"

With that they took steps back, giving out such an exaggerated space, perhaps being conscious in case he would touch them. They gave such an awful load of space between them, he had to shook his head at their madness.

They couldn't even wait till he was out of the hospital when they began disinfecting it, doing all other unnecessary stuff. He huffed out air and mumbled "stupid people, wasting resources unnecessarily."

"You said something?" Asked the staff, but the guy just shook his head indicating no and gently turned to leave. Not without tastelessly thanking them before sauntering out to the parking lot and speeding off his car. He kept heaving in anger throughout the drive. Only if he finds her! But the heck, he didn't clearly saw her face!

Where she even got the blood from?

One thing he was sure of was if hypocrites were being awarded, no doubts all the awards would go to her, for she's the biggest hypocrite of century.

He finally understood the sharrin mata people been talking about. Lallai mata masharranta ne. (He finally understood the evilness/hypocrisy of women people been talking about. Indeed women are evil.)

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