4: her username

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The life of your dreams has always been closer to you than you realized, because the power to have everything good in life –is inside you
~the power


Who guessed what these emojis mean?😂 comment please. I would love to see who'll get it right😘

Chapter four

"I guess someone just called me to come eat food right?" Sadam reminded them.

They kept getting on his nerves. He couldn't believe what Tasnim did. It's more like she's more keen about marrying him off than grandma is. Because the list she made got even her candidates photos attached.

Intermittently he would peep grandma looking at the list throughout his eating session that is supposed to be everyone's eating session –grandma included. But she chose to poke her nose in to his affairs and get rid of him by marrying him off to a ghost-like lady. What would Tasnim offer beside a ghost? She even, looks like one.

He quickly finished eating his meal and left the table for them.

Once he made it to his room -strangely alive, which wasn't part of grandma's plan, he's damn sure at the rate she kept looking up to him and flipping through that forced marriage list on his face, she planned on chocking him to death. At this rate he rather go up to halal marriage site and look up. Does grandma has the slightest idea about how bad he hates to be forced in to marriage? That made him furiously searched out sheik player's number.

"Just send me the girl's number. You sure she's decent?" That's the only thing he whispered in to the phone.

"Yes, but how are you?" Player said, reminding him on how he totally skipped the greetings part.

"Send me the number," Sadam said ignoring him.

"Who said I have her number? I only have her social media."

"Is she fair?"


"Mtswww. Hold your number to yourself"

"What did I do? Anyways I will send you her username. Go talk to her about how desperate you are, and that she mights just save a young boy from getting forcedly married."

"Player you are a rascal." He said, his only hope drenched outta his body. Please he doesn't want a fair girl. Why didn't he date anyone at any point in life?!

"Don't worry I learnt being that from you," Player fired.

"I know how to come back at you," Sadam said furiously.

"I doubt so. More like how to beg for a girl from me," Player's evil laughter resonated through the phone.

Sadam didn't say a thing. He just rejected the call and plugged it to it's charger.

He's about to do something crazy and he knew it as well.

He quickly sat on his working table, flipped open his dell system and typed down some things. He closed it before pressing some keypads on his phone scrabbling few things unto his notes app.

His room door flew open. Right in time Sadam shouted, "Do you want me to teach you how to knock?"

Immediately he turned around he regretted ever saying that. He thought it's Umar, his brother, but sadly this time around it wasn't him. Umar is the only one in the habit of doing that to him. He either Knock after entering the room or never do it at all.

"I'll be glad if you teach me grandson."

He gulped down saliva. Regretting ever saying that, now Grandma will make it in to a big deal. He managed to breath out his hitched breath, "Grandma how can I help you?"

"You can help me by telling me the name you will prefer written on the wedding invitation card. Do you prefer Engineer Sadam Aleey or Just Sadam Aleey?"

For goodness sake which sort of iv will be ready when he doesn't have even the wife? Why is she keen on killing him?

He silently whispered "I prefer Sharuku Amita Batcha," and mentally rolled his eyes.

"I've heard that," she said and he didn't even dare to talk again. He decided to keep shush.

"I have given you five good years to bring a lady home. Don't ever forget that kindness of mine." Grandma said as she turned to leave the room, walking sluggishly as ever!

Did she just said kindness? Kindness is allowing someone to get married at the time he damn fits like. Grandma needs to revisit her primary one dictionary. But he just replied her with okay. And once she left the room he heaved out air and scrunched up his nose. "Don't ever forget that kindness of mine yen yen yen" he imitated grandma's voice and copied how she twisted her mouth saying that. He's full of her seriously.

She kept disturbing every single word in his peace dictionary. Why can't she see he wants to get married but just not soon. Getting married looks like betraying someone to him. Some one he doesn't ever wants to forget about. If her worry is whether he has turned in to gay, she can keep her cool, because he ain't one and will never be.

But instead she chose to disturb his life, his personal space and state of mind. He wished it's that his crazy stupid ass nigga of a friend that got her as grandma.

What does she even wants from him? He mentally made up a situation where he will just call that Dr. Imam Wada Bello and say his grandma got the lassa fever. And he will gladly watch as they take her away. He had no idea when an evil laughter escaped his mouth. Then he immediately composed himself and remember how he didn't feel good when that evil girl did same to him. Talking about her!!! Where could she be at? What might be her name? Was she of the escape albino or the escape gorillas? It's more like she's from the escape gorillas.
He bet she's dark.

Nop she's light skinned.

Nop she's dark skinned.

Nop light.

Nop dark.






She can be green or red he doesn't care. And he needed to pull himself together and stop thinking about that evil witch. She seems very disrespectful, mannerless, evil and she's nothing but a witch. And he can't even find her.

"But what if you could find her?" A voice in him spoke.

And now the very question is what if he can truly find her?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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