Birdie tries Tinder: A PKYEK Spoof

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Authors: me and simply.meghana

Misha and Piya are passing by when they hear back to back chimes on Birdie's phone, which is lying unattended on the nightstand.

Piya: Why is she getting so many notifications? *leans over for a peek*

Misha: I thought she didn't have friends. Is someone texting her?

Piya: OMFG! No, it's TINDER! Birdie is on Tinder!
Misha: What?! Are you sure?

Piya: Take a look for yourself. *she grabs the phone and holds it up to Misha's face. Misha takes it and stares blankly*

Misha: Do you know her passcode? I need to see her profile. *she tries some random numbers but they don't work*

Piya: Maybe it's some guy's birthday?

Misha: No no, it has to be something much did papa spend on her last wedding?

Piya: I think it was around 978000 rupees. I remember because I couldn't go to Paris for my model shoot... ☹️

Misha: Bingo!

*In the meantime, Panchi comes running to take her phone from them.*

Panchi: What the hell are you two doing? Piya, now that you can't do your jassosi on Abhay, have you started targeting me?

Piya: We were just curious. I have never seen your phone have so many notifications before.

Misha: Since when are you on Tinder?!

Panchi: You unlocked my phone?! How? And how dare you open the apps?

Misha: It wasn't that hard. *shrugs* We all know how much you love spending on weddings.

Piya: Speaking of weddings, are you in the mood for yet another one?

Panchi: *looks down blushingly and dreamily* ......Maybe.

Misha: Birdie why? Why? I got to say goodbye to the new seat covers I was planning to buy for my bike...

Piya: Bye bye trip to Shimla with Abhay.

Panchi: You both are so selfish! What about my happiness? *starts uncontrollably sobbing*

Misha and Piya: O_o We are selfish? We are not the ones planning our millionth wedding!

Misha: And papa is already upset with the expenditures last time. He is going to have to pull a Vijay Malya to pay for this wedding now.

Piya: *imagines indian kids starving just so their father could loot the country to pay for Birdie's wedding*

Misha: Let me see some of these guys. *she takes the phone and starts swiping left*

Panchi: Hey stop it! *tries to snatch it, but Misha keeps moving it out of her reach*

*The doorbell rings*

Piya: You two continue....this, and I'll get the door. It must be Tracker and Alina.

*Misha and Panchi bicker about her phone, and Piya answers the door. The two are loud enough for the others to hear downstairs*

Ruhi: What drama is going on upstairs?

Piya: We found Panchi on Tinder!

Tracker: Really? Let me see! Let me see!

*Tracker runs upstairs and Piya and Alina follow behind*

Tracker: Misha, show me the profile!

Panchi: Not you too Tracker!

Tracker: The whole world can see your profile on Tinder but not us?! What partiality is this?

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