Chapter 2

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I awoke to the smell of horses and flowers. While neither were what I was used to I begin to sit up disoriented and a young woman pushes me back down. "Rest. It must have been a tiring journey from the forrest. Are you hungry?"

"Yes" I look around for my satchel seeing it laid upon a table by the fireplace.

A small plate is offered to me by the young woman who has golden hair and pale blue eyes. I remember her, when we were able to visit here she was younger but the girls and fire in her eyes have never changed "Thank you, lady Éowyn."

She smiles down to me with a softer look in her eyes "It has been too long, Kila. We have longed for the songs from your company for years."

At this reminder I feel my heart clench and I hold my hands clenched over my heart as I lean over my legs. If only I could have taken someone with me, but at least if there are any survivors they have a chance now. I could barely feel the hand on my back when another woman came running in whispering something to the princess.

I do not look up as she runs quickly out of the room to attend her uncle. I lower myself farther upon my legs letting my body ball up in uncertainty. I sat for hours in this position only finally disturbed as men began to run quickly towards this room.

The door opens with a slam as two men pull another, dragging him towards the bed where I rested. I saw no other beds in this room so I quickly moved to allow this newcomer the comfort he desperately needed by the look and blood on his face.

Éomer walks in with a painful stride and glances at me but a moment before shaking his head and looking back to the boy now in the bed.

I feel my heart drop to the floor as Éomer moves to begin caring for the boy. I quickly grab a rag and begin to clean the blood and sweat from his face as the door opens again with a slam, although it was quieter than the previous.

Éowyn rushes to his side calling out to him before glancing under the sheet where a large gash spread from his side to his stomach, and in some spots you could see dried blood clotting a few of the open veins closed, but not enough to save him.

I retreat from my position grabbing my satchel and find myself now in the main dining hall. The ornate wood colored green and the horses decorating the corners and pillars. Even the tables had designs engraved along the legs.

I shiver lightly as the wind drafts the fires warmth in the other direction. The men in the tables opposite me clearly knowing this happens often and making use of it.

The evening comes as I write away on my left over scrolls when lady Éowyn comes to join me. I gave a light bow as she gives a tired nod and sits down opposite of me.

"What is it you are writing?"

My hand freezes over the page and I shake my head to recover "Names."


"Of those who died, those back home will wish to know why they have not returned."

Her silence is filled with more emotion than she can take and she sighs apologetically "I am sorry. My brother told me what happened."

I nod simply as I get to the end of the names. "That should be all of them. I have nothing to send back to the families but at least this will help cease their worrying. Although grief will hang upon them for a time yet." I rolled the scrolls up tying them with string.

"I am sorry as well." And I meant it. Her family member is dying, and even with care would not get better.

"Yes" her voice echoed loneliness at her cousins passing "He is a strong prince, him passing....I feel it is not meant to be. He is much too young and much too strong. But with that wound..."

She never finishes and we set awhile in silence until her brother comes for her and with a helmet in his hand.

After awhile a man came with large pieces of firewood, placing them strategically in the flames. I push the table coming to my feet in a quick motion as I head outside.

The cold air was still rather warm with the sun but I could tell that, come nightfall, it would get much too cold to be without protection.

With my satchel in my lap I rest upon the stone foundation of the palace. The princess flies from the main doors and down into the village. As she vanishes from sight I hear the door open again but this time with a loud crack. Several men are holding one man by the shoulders and throw him down the stone stairs.

I look on in horror as Éomer's face turns back to the doors as they slam. Soldiers from the surrounding area run to his aide. After a quick discussion with a few they begin to run to the stables.

One of the soldiers runs to the young guard by the door whispering "Éomer has been banished, we ride. For the King, and our families."

The young man nods quickly and runs to follow, dropping his spear. Not long did I wait until the large force rode from the gates into the plains and out of sight.

Things are becoming messed up so badly that even the structure of the kingdom is falling apart? This is not a good sign.


Hooray, chapter two is done! This story is so fun I'm really happy I get to work on it, if my Wind and Stone story isn't done, don't worry I'm not forgetting it. There will be updates. It takes many hours of research for both my studies and my stories.

I try to stay within a completely possible realm when delving into any story, which can hit road bumps when more information on what I use comes out constantly.

Anyways, tell me what you guys think about this chapter. Give a 'fave' star or a comment to let me know your thoughts. I will see you guys next chapter!

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