Chapter 3

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My lips are sealed

Those first few moments after waking up are pure comfort

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Those first few moments after waking up are pure comfort. It's peaceful, it's quiet and it's calm...

For a few seconds my brain is preoccupied with turning thoughts which are blissfully unaware of any bad events or nightmares or really anything at all. it feels as if I am floating on a fluffy cloud, somewhere unimportant or anywhere specific. I don't really care where I am as long as it is anywhere but reality. But unfortunately this state of peace is short lived because after I blink my eyes open the events that have taken place... and they haunt me.

The peacefulness is now replaced with a whiplash of emotions, anger, sadness, confusion and fear. I blink rapidly trying to forget where and how I found my mum after school but those efforts are pointless as the thoughts  keep invading my mind simultaneously. Gasping, I search the room I am in and scan for help, for air, for mum.

But no one but me was in this small room. Only a table and a few chairs including the one I am sitting on are in this room. I clutch the blanket that was around me tighter and put my fingers through my hair. Pulling my hair, I try to remove these thoughts, this anxiety and this fear out of my head. But how can i? I don't know where I am or what's going on. Not to mention more importantly I don't know if my mum is ok...

"Oakley?" A soft womens voice says. "Oakley everything is ok, you are safe." I wanted to scoff in that woman's face. Ok? How is anything going to be ok? The woman had very dark hair  that slipped back into a very tight looking bun. I grimaced just at the thought of having my hair like that. It would be excruciating.

Although lucky for me, I do not think anyone could do that to my hair. My hair was wild, long and it was thick. It is barely impossible to just brush it let alone put it into a tight bun. Only uptight must be able to do that and put up with it.

"Oakley, your mum is alive." My head snapped to hers.

"S-she is?"

She nodded as she smiled softly. "Yes hunny she is alive. It was very much a miracle we did not think she was going to live but we managed to get her heart going and her stable."

"Where is she? Can I see her? Is she home?" The woman smiled sadly and gave my hand a soft squeeze. She looked at me with so much sympathy before grabbing my hand and holding it tightly.

"This is when the news gets tough." she pauses for a second. "Your mother is in a coma." she scanned my face to see what i was going to say or do before she continued. "The doctors don't know yet if she is going to survive. Most people who overdose to the extent of what she did... doesn't ma-."

"Make it." I finished her sentence before putting my hands in my lap.The events of what happened kept replaying in my head again, again and again.

Mum lying on the floor.
Connor died.
Me doing CPR
Me calling an ambulance

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