Chapter 4

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The unexpected

Life is never expected, which is how it was meant to be

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Life is never expected, which is how it was meant to be. You're not meant to know what is coming or how things are going to turn out. You're meant to expect the unexpected.

Nothing less

Nothing more

"Dad, have you seen my car ke-woah?" Noah barged into my office but nearly fell to the floor once he saw the state of my office.

"Your keys are here Noah." I sighed, but when he went to pick them up, I stopped him. "You can collect your keys after I can see you taking better care of your room and car." He looked like he was about to protest so I continued. "If i were you i would be in your room and would be cleaning."

"But dad, this is so unfair!" he exclaimed. "Finn's room is so much messier than mine!" I looked at Noah with boredom then folded my hands on the desk.

"And I am aware that Noah and I plan on speaking to him straight after I am done here." He clicked his tongue then rolled his eyes before walking out and slamming my office door.

"That would be two weeks without your car keys, Noah." I yelled out.

God damn these boys are going to be the death of me.

I slumped back in my seat and pinched the bridge of my nose. 13 years. 13 long bloody hard years it has been since she died. 13 years have passed since I and our sons had to bury her. 13 years since I had to say goodbye.

Although for 13 years I have been a single parent, I am still just trying to figure everything out. Because it was not me who was the natural planet it was her. It was Georgina. Georgina was the one who always made sure everything was perfect, who knew how to solve any problem and she knew how to raise our sons.

I am just trying to be like her.

My phone started to ring and I picked it up even though the number was unknown. "Hello this is Merideth and I am a social worker coming from the police station from Guerneville." My eyebrows furrowed as I couldn't remember any of my cases coming from Guerneville.

"Is this Ian Miller the chief detective in San francisco."

"Yes, this is him. How can I help you Merideth?" I grabbed my notepad just in case it was one of the cases we were working on at the station. I didn't want to miss anything that could help or one of my officers.

"I am here at the station and after a tragedy I am afraid Mr Miller that your daughter is here in our custody." The hairs on the back of my neck lifted and I felt all the blood drain in my face.

"W-what." I stammered. Daughter? I never had a daughter. It was impossible.

"Her name is Oakley Miller. She is 11 years old. And Mr Miller, your name was on her birth certificate." I felt like I couldn't breathe as I tried to wrap my head over this information.

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