Chapter 7

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Unbreakable bars

Sometimes I feel like I am floating

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Sometimes I feel like I am floating. Like I am just drifting around my surroundings, being unaware of what was happening around me. That was happening right now at dinner...



"Noah eat"

"I said no."

"Noah eat those goddamn green vegetables you glutton!"  Cade yelled but he yelped when Mason smacked the back of his head.

"Keep your voices down! You're giving all of us a headache." I bit down hard with the sudden contact. Maybe a bit too hard. I couldn't taste the garlicky mashed potatoes anymore I could only taste something metallic

It was Tuesday night and I was currently watching all of my brothers trying to get Noah to eat his vegetables. I was surprised they hadn't given up yet. Father, Mason and Cade were all very consistent.

Finn looked like he was enjoying the show.

While listening to all of them talk, it soon became background noise. I was thinking about mum and what we will do when she wakes up. I couldn't imagine she would want to come here and live with father. She hates him.

I still didn't know why that was...

It was all so confusing. My brothers all had a different mother and she was married too father. I don't know much about what happened to her. I am too scared to ask.

Maybe she got jealous of my mum and wanted a divorce. Maybe that's all linked to why mum hates father.

There was so many things that I didn't know. It was like a big puzzle with lots of missing pieces to find.

And I have always liked puzzles.

"Would you like to watch a movie, love?" I tilted my head and looked at the big tv screen. I never cared much for tv. I watched a fair bit when I was little but now it just seemed like a waste of time.

I liked to be active. I liked my mind to be active. When I sit down and do nothing my mind spins too much. Too many memories and too many thoughts. It's why I don't like school or sleeping. It's too much opportunity for darkness to come.

"Oakley." I jumped a little when a hand was waving suddenly in front of my face.

"You really are a space cadet." Finn smirked down at me.

"What movie do you want to watch hunny?" Cade asked with a remote in his hand.

Did I say yes?

"She probably wants to watch some kid movie or something to do with princesses." Noah said with a chuckle. I tilted my head at him and frowned.

Me and mum never watched movies. I don't even remember what I used to watch as I never understood it. It was always something black and white and with people wearing old fashioned clothes.

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