Chapter 8

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Our sister was odd

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Our sister was odd

I didn't mind, none of us did. She just wasn't what we had expected. I was glad she wasn't like every other little girl or should I say preteen. I was glad she was different and she was unique. She was an adorable mix and she was the greatest gift ever

She didn't talk much. That was something we all picked up very quickly. She answered questions with very few words and answered with even less. But she was still perfect. She also didn't necessarily take much interest in things. Not anything.... We all just wanted to get to know her. Especially Dad...

He was absolutely desperate.

You could see he was sad that he had missed out on so much. 11 years to be precise. You could also see he was angry. Not at Oakley but her mother. She kept her from him and she knew where dad was.

Dad just never got the opportunity to be a dad for Oakley.

Not until now

I was currently making Oakley and i breakfast and when I turned the kitchen light on, I noticed something. Oakley was unaware that I was staring as she looked like she was dozing off. But I could take my eyes off it.

A bruise.

"Ahhhh! How did you get that bruise!" Cade looked at the bruise with horror. Oakley frowned at him then when her finger touched the bruise on her cheek her eyes widened.

I glared at Cade for being so over the top with this. As I could have dealt with this a lot better. Now Oakley just looks uncomfortable. "Oakley" I started. "How did you get that bruise." 

The bruise was a dark purple. Almost black, whatever caused it wasn't something that was unnoticed. Something hard and something with force would only cause that.

"I got hit by a ball at school. I am not good at sports." She muttered and a light pink started to rise in her cheeks.

I was unconvinced by her story and wanted to press further. But decided against it. I needed Oakley to tell me the truth because she wants to. I didn't want to force it out of her cause that would lead us nowhere.

"Just be careful sweetheart. That bruise looks painful." Cade stays silent, as he looks just unconvinced as I was. Oakley started eating her cereal and shifted uncomfortably under our gazes.

That was our cue.

We quickly stopped starting. I grabbed the newspaper while Cade re-continued to made his famous green smoothie.

"Do you guys have to be so damn nosy?" Finn said as he walked into room looking more tired than the dead. "It's only." He looks at the clock and then back at us like we're insane.

"It's still six in the bloody morning." I clicked my tongue. I wasn't a morning person either. I was much more of a night owl. But Finn here is what I have to say. A worse morning person.

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