𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐨.

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being the debt collector of the port mafia is a job to remember.

strutting through those blood-covered hallways with her chin held high, the young woman opened the large oak wood doors leading up to the big office. she couldn't help but smile at the sight of a frightened man who was maybe around his forties.

the poor man was shaking in his seat, clearly bothered by the bloodied woman who slowly began to walk up to him- each stride carrying something menacing and deadly along with her. whatever it is, he didn't want to see what she has hidden behind her back.

"your debt is overdue..."

l/n y/n sighed, stopping just in front of the man who leaned back in fright. cold (e/c) eyes stared him down like he was nothing but shit that's staining the expensive-looking carpet, too bad that she accidentally trailed blood inside of the office- she would've wanted to bring the rug home.

"two million yen, the port mafia has given you two months to repay them- it's already been three." skilled fingers twirled the knife around like it was a mere toy to play with. the deadly silver glistening underneath the light that the chandelier above them was providing.

the old man scurried to his feet, bowing down at her and exclaiming incoherent apologies- pleading for her mercy and begging her to give him another chance.

"my gang and i are still collecting the money- please give us another week!" she hummed, crouching down to face him with an unreadable look that's flashing between her eyes.

y/n was known for her notorious ways on getting the port mafia's money back. from blackmailing to murder, she'd do anything just to get what the rats had taken away from them.

and since she's the next generations leader, it's like they're taking away something from her too.

the young woman was very patient when it comes to certain things. she's willing to pull a few strings if she knew and trusted that those who borrowed money from them would pay it back on a set date- but this one was just too much for her.

a chuckle left her lips, the knife that she was holding embedded itself onto the man's neck as blood started oozing out of him and into the carpet below- getting some on the suit that she was wearing.

with cold, steely (e/c) eyes, she watched with no regrets as the man slowly choked on his own blood and passed out in front of her.

honestly, if you're going to be borrowing money from anyone not just the port mafia, be sure to pay on time because you'd never know whether they need it or not- don't be such a pig that feeds off of their generosity. it's truly disgusting.

in y/n's case, she needed the money for her wedding.

sure she's got plenty of wealth to spare and spend, she's got rich parents who were more than happy to give her some cash- but where's the fun in that?

the (h/c) haired woman found it much more enjoyable if she spends the money that she collected- cold, green cash that were covered in the blood of her victims. it makes her shopping trip much more enjoyable than spending her own money to cover her expenses.

shinichiro doesn't need to know where she got them or how she managed to cover for their entire ceremony.

but you know, maybe she'll just half the over all expenses with her husband. y/n was more than willing on spending millions just to make the occasion perfect and believable for the general public- wanting to be the one to pay the bills and just let the raven haired man do his own thing.

it wasn't until she had heard him on the phone talking to one of his friends asking for more help around the shop. at first, she wondered why he didn't ask her to help him out, she's got plenty of men under her disposal- so why would he bother one of his friends?

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨. - 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now