𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟𝐟'𝐬.

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"i'll take this... and this as well- you know what? how much for the whole shop?"

sunday's was always sano y/n's favorite day of the week, doing nothing the entire day but to laze around the house and binge watch her favorite television series while her husband works around in his shop.

though, on this particular afternoon- the couple found themselves walking store to store and getting everything that the young woman finds interesting. it doesn't matter if it's something as big and useless as a new couch or something small like an ashtray- as long as it has a price tag, she's buying them.

y/n didn't have any problems taking her subordinates with them on their little shopping spree, seeing as shinichiro was having a hard time catching up to her because of all the baggage that he was carrying- poor man didn't even know what's going on.

sano shinichiro is now aware that his wife is actually connected to the mafia- one that's known for being notorious to whoever dared cross their paths.

and as much as he didn't have a problem with her being the debt collector, he did have a problem with his wife's spending issues- which means that he kind of has a problem with half of her being.

he isn't complaining! he's completely grateful that y/n had bought him some stuff here and there and even bought his siblings clothes- y/n totally didn't buy emma a new set of designer clothing and mikey a new bike, no.

"maybe it's time to head home. your show will be on in ten minutes-"

"should i take this one... or this?"

shinichiro adores her- he really does, but there are times where he just wants to smash her head on the nearby table and talk some sense into her even if that meant that he'll get kicked in the head for doing so, he'll risk it all at this point.

the two have been at it for hours now, and it's getting quite close to noon- if he remembers correctly, they left the house at around seven in the morning because the (h/c) haired woman wanted to be the first in line for the newest sale in chanel.

taking a look at the shops clock, the man wasn't surprised to see the hour hand at one, signifying that they've been shopping for at least six hours now.

he knows that his wife wouldn't leave unless she was forced too- and her subordinates were either scared of her or tired from being dragged around the city carrying all of her expenses.

if no one's going to snap his wife into shape, then he'll do it for the sake that he'll finally get to go home and sleep the entire afternoon.

the (h/c) haired woman was mumbling to herself as the sales clerk help up two identical pieces of clothing, her trying to figure out which one to get- it's honestly ridiculous at this point.

y/n was snapped back to her senses when she felt someone tap her shoulder, the scene making her tired subordinates snap back to life as they desperately tried to save the poor soul from ever feeling her wrath.

if there was one thing that her group knows, it's that you should never ever disturb the debt collector when she's shopping- especially if she's in the middle of deciding which one to buy.

stern, (e/c) eyes looked to whoever dared ruin her shopping spree- only to soften when they landed at the trembling sano shinichiro.

a shaky, lopsided smile was etched on his features, trying so hard not to run away from the previous cold look that his wife had given him and focused at the current task in hand.

"i think we've been shopping way too long... let's go home?"

spending money is one of the ways for her to destress herself- especially after a long week of collecting money and just doing the overall tasks needed to prove to the port mafia that she's a good leader for the next generation.

it's also a way to show her love and appreciation to those closest to her.

growing up, her father was a busy man and her mother was always out of the country splurging on her husband's money- so to keep her happy and content, the couple decided to spoil their daughter with money and gifts.

of course, you'll expect that she'll grow up to become a spoiled brat and all, but she didn't.

sano y/n saw how her father earns his money, that the things given to her weren't pulled out of their asses and that her father actually risks his position as the previous debt collector just to get her all the things that she wanted.

because of that, her aspects on money changed. and at the ripe age of fifteen, she studied ways on how to earn them in hopes that she'll one day replace her father and earn back the money that her parents had to throw away for her own pleasure.

however, we couldn't really avoid the stress that comes in being the port mafia's debt collector. i mean, killing and torturing is a great entertainment yet a pain to clean up after- and she would rather lay there rather than to pick up after her mess.

though, despite the week being all gory and bloody, the young woman had a husband waiting for her at home.

night after night ever since shinichiro found out about her being related to the port mafia, he would always make sure to call her when her job is done and stay on the phone with her until she walks inside of the house.

the man was aware on the dangers that his wife is constantly getting into, but it wouldn't hurt if he's there with her even if they're both in a call- what matters is that he knows she's getting home safe and sound without any complications.

and that's why she found herself falling for him even more.

at this point- the contract that both adults had signed was nothing more than a mere piece of paper hidden under her drawers. it holds no meaning to them now that both were catching feelings for each other.

y/n chuckled at his trembling figure, shooing away the sales clerk who is more than grateful to finally get away from the terrifying looking woman and hide in the backrooms.

"should we stop by the family mart to buy you some cigarettes as compensation?"

dark eyes studied the smile that was etched on her face, his heart swelling up in nothing but the fuzzy feeling of adoration as his wife began to command her subordinates to drop her stuff off of their house.

no matter how many expensive things the young woman had gotten for him, it's always the simplest of things that makes him fall for her even deeper.

from the way on how she would always remember to get him a new lighter since his old one ran out- or whenever she'd buy him new cigars since she overheard him mutter to himself about how he needed to run to the store to get more.

y/n was always so attentive towards him and it honestly makes him feel more appreciated. that he isn't just someone she's using to secure the position as the next generations leader- he's actually someone to her.

and that's why he found himself falling for her everyday.

with a chuckle leaving past his lips, the raven haired man slung an arm around her shoulders and followed her out of the shop, finding that newfound courage inside him to initiate subtle pda.

"let's just go home and spend the rest of the day watching drama, how about that my dear wife?"

"then you'll cook us popcorn, right my dear husband?"

to say that the two had fallen for each other was quite an understatement.

l/n y/n and sano shinichiro both walked into a hole and has been falling together for what seems to be an eternity- waiting for that light at the end of the rabbit hole to show them the way out.

what's ironic is that the only way for them to escape is if the two confess their feelings for each other.

two young and dumb adults- this should be interesting.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨. - 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now