new playlist

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Hey guys, I'm back with another update!! So last chapter I spoke about using my new friend playlist, well I did listen to it for a few days and since then I have been becoming closer with some of my acquaintances, but I have found a subliminal that is made for literally everything in your life, be it looks, friends, money, a good life, etc. So I made a playlist with only that subliminal (it's divided into 2 videos) and I have been listening to it for the past 2 days. Honestly, I have gotten immediate results.

My skin visibly cleared up literally overnight I was shocked. I don't have any before pictures, but I might update with pics when it gets clearer. I still have lots of acne and redness, but it's so much better than before. Even my aunt pointed it out, saying it got so much better.

I've noticed that people's attitude towards me has changed. Like, I keep catching people staring at me (in a mesmerized way), people making continuous eye contact with me, etc.

People I was never really that close with have been extremely nice to me, always looking out for me, asking how I'm doing, giving me snacks, etc.

I also suspect that a boy in my class has a crush on me. Funnily enough, I had considered manifesting him having a crush on me in the past but decided against it because I wanted to focus on myself. Well he's been acting really weird around me and one of his friends told me he got a new girlfriend (he didn't, I'm sure of that) to see how I would react. I purposely didn't show any reaction and the minute I did that he went and told him. I also catch him staring at me a lot.

I honestly don't really care if he likes me or not, I genuinely doubt that I would go out with him anyways. Just don't be surprised if in a few days I post a chapter saying he asked me out.

Other than that, I've been receiving lotss of compliments, people telling me I'm so pretty, that I look so good, etc. One girl even told me that the more she looked at me the more she realized I am the perfect girl. That one really made me happy ngl.

I'm so grateful for all the love I've been receiving lately, it feel so good.

My grades are also really great, but I'm constantly manifesting good grades so that's normal. But like 80% of my grades are the result of my actual intellectual power, the rest is manifested.

by the way, here are the subs I listened to:

part 1:

part 2:

I believe that is it! I'll update if anything else comes up. Until then, see ya !!

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