After Work

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Being an Auror means James has odd hours, but you always try to wait for him when he comes home — fem!reader

Warnings: n/a

Words: 0.6k

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He tried to be as quiet as possible when opening the front door. It had been getting creaky lately, so he set himself a mental reminder to fix it later.

His job as an Auror meant a lot of unpredictable hours, but he did it because he loved it. He already had enough money because of his family line, and now he was generating money from a high-level job, so he insisted you didn't need to work unless you really wanted. Because of this, you only picked up odd jobs that you were interested in, but mostly you stayed home.

Most nights, especially those when you had no work the next day, you waited for your fiancé to come home before you went to bed. James always insisted against this. As much as he loved getting to kiss you goodnight while you were still awake, he didn't want you to mess up your sleep schedule.

He hoped you were asleep tonight, since it was closer to dawn than dusk at this point. He hung up his jacket, and walked up the stairs to your bedroom, sighing with each sound his feet made.

He pushed open the bedroom door and saw you sitting on the bed, rubbing lotion on your hands as you did regularly in the winter.

Your eyes lit up and a smile graced your face when you saw him.

"Hi, Jamie." You said sweetly.

James closed the door behind him and immediately started changing out of his Auror robes into his flannel sleep pants and an old tee.

"My love, what are you still doing up? It's practically the morning already." He asked as he took off his shirt.

"You know what I'm still doing up, I'm waiting for you. I couldn't wait 'til morning." 

He laid down next to you and pulled the blankets over the both of you. "Well, it wouldn't feel like waiting if you were sleeping."

"I only like sleeping when you're here with me."

He pulled you in, your back to his chest, his mouth hovering over your neck as he spoke. "Maybe I should just quit my job so you can have the rest you deserve."

You were both head over heels for each other, and you knew he wasn't lying. All it would take was one question and he'd be handing in a letter of resignation. But you knew he loved his job almost as much as he loved you, so you would never ask that of him.

"Don't quit your job." You told him, nuzzling closer to him. "Just cuddle with me so we can sleep."

"I would do it, you know?"

You hummed in acknowledgement of what he said, leaning to grab your lotion from the bedside table.

"What are you—" He started, but you shushed him lovingly.

You started massaging the moisturiser into his rugged hands, something he always forgets about. As you continued, he nuzzled his face into the nape of your neck. 

"So, how was work?" You asked him, letting go of his hands and spreading the last bits of the lotion around your own. 

His answer was muffled against your skin. "I missed you."

"You had Sirius." You pointed out with a little laugh. 

He shook his head, bringing it up from your neck. "Sirius doesn't cuddle with me when the day ends." 

You laughed again, then cuddled tighter with James to satisfy his desires. "No, I would hope he doesn't. I want your cuddles all to myself" 

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𝙹𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now