Hair Dye shenanigans

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Blue was bored. She had nothing to do. She had already listened to her songs on repeat and sang them too many times that day. Laying on her bed Blue stared at the ceiling blankly while questioning life questions. Smoothies are made out of fruit right? So does that make tomato sauce a smoothie?... A knock on her door woke Blue from her thoughts as she sat.
"Come in!" She called out. The door opened and Marcey walked through. "Hey Blue, wanna dye your hair?" They grinned at the Blue female while holding up a box of hair dye. Blue stared at it for a second before saying, "sure, what could go wrong?"
Minutes later the group of four friends had gathered in the bathroom. All of them had a towel rapped around their shoulders to keep the dye off their skin. Blue was dyeing her hair a light purple, Hunter with light blue and Marcey with a pale yellow. Wren however, who had fur is just there to watch and strum her guitar as some background music.
Hunter was first. Blue put on some gloves and opened the dye packet. Squeezing some into the dye bowel she takes the brush with dye on it and starts to apply it to the ends of Hunter's hair. This continued on for a while until she was sure it was enough. Hunter's hair was currently in clumps with the dye sticking it together. He nodded at himself in the mirror before moving to the side. Marcey then moved to stand in front of the mirror. Blue took of the stained gloves and switched them for clean ones. Wouldn't want to mix the colours. After cleaning the brush and dye bowel Blue squeezed some of Marcey's colour choice into the bowel and got to work.
The same process repeated with the two keeping up a conversation. However halfway through Blue started to feel hot, but she just pushed the feeling aside as she continued with Marcey's hair. After some minutes the tube of dye was emptied and Marcey grinned while stepping to the side.
"Alright, you ready Blue?" Hunter asked as she put on some clean gloves.
"Yup!" Blue answered as she took off her gloves and pulled her scarf off as well as taking her hair out of it's ponytail. It fell down just past her shoulder blades.
Blue leaned against the sink as Hunter started to apply the purple hair dye. Blue listened quietly to Wren's playing as she waited for the hair dye to be applied fully.
A couple minutes in Blue started to feel uncomfortably hot. She felt sweat on her forehead and the quiet guitar strumming became quieter with a slight ringing in her ears. Her vision began to swim slightly with white blocking her view and black dots appearing and disappearing like static. Blue's head felt light as she leaned heavily on the counter. Suddenly she couldn't hear or see anything. Faintly she heard a scream and felt something hit her head. Slowly Blue started to feel strong arms holding her up as she opened her eyes slightly and saw the blurry outline of her friend as they held onto her shoulders. In the back of her head she registered the hot towel being pulled off her shoulders. Suddenly a voice broke into her thoughts,
"Here sit, sit down Blue." Becoming more aware Blue slowly sat down on a stool while Marcey held onto her shoulders still.
"You ok? Here drink." Marcey asked before holding out a cup with water. Blue took the cup with shaky hands and gulped down the water.
"What happened Blue?" Wren asked with her tail drooping down slightly as well as her ears.
"Got too hot." She answered with a shaky voice. "Yeah clearly, your very pale and sweaty." Hunter spoke up. Blue looked in the mirror and that they were indeed correct. Her colours were faded out quite a bit and there was sweat covering her forehead.
Blue hummed quietly as she slouched down slightly.
"You gotta tell us when your not feeling well Blue. You hit your head on the mirror pretty hard." Marcey said as they put a hand to her forehead. "I did?" Blue mumbled. Marcey nodded as they refilled the cup and handed it back to Blue.
"Huh...that was my first time fainting.." Blue chuckled slightly. No one laughed but they all adorned small smiles as Hunter finished off the dye. "Well now we just wait a while before washing and seeing the end results!" Marcey said as they started to clean up.
An hour later and each had their hair properly coloured and dyed. Each colour came out very well and they were all very happy. Even with what happened, it didn't ruin the day.

Hello readers! I hope you enjoy my stories so far. What funny though is that this one is based off of what had just happened to me the same day I wrote this. I tried to explain it in as much detail as I could but yeah..first time fainting lol. Anyway I don't think the colours are gonna come out very well with my's quite this but also dark in colour (dark brown). Probably won't be the best. Anyways, bye! Have a g'day/arvo! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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