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After Friday night's drama, the mood for the weekend night plans all got soured.

Everyone retired for the night as distancing for some time would be better for all three of them Hana felt vulnerable as everything she had buried in her heart was exposed by her childhood best friend Preslie to her utter disappointment.

She knew Preslie didn't mean any harm and Miracle was aware of most of the facts but it was just that she wanted to live the lie a little bit longer so that everything was normal.

The whole of Saturday was spent by all three of them in their respective rooms where all three pretended to be busy.

In truth, they kept on thinking about the drama.

For her part, Preslie was ashamed of her behavior towards Hana as she had exposed some very intimate details of her life without her permission.

Hana was sad but she couldn't stop thinking about how the past has affected her present relationships.

Miracle was in deep thought about what was lacking in her relationship with Hana where she chose to bear all the pain and act as if nothing was wrong. She wanted Hana to open up to her so that she can help her heal.

All three of them got out of the room at the same time intending to apologize.

"I'M SORRY..." All three of them said in unison.

"You go first," Hana told Miracle who in turn told Preslie and she passed it on to Hana.

The cycle kept repeating for a few minutes before Miracle took over the reins of the conversation.

"Okay as everyone passes the parcel to the other so let me be the one to inaugurate the conversation." Miracle was trying her level best to be calm. She had a lot on her plate to share with these bumbling baboons.

"I'm sorry Hana for not being able to present myself as a person who you can share your problems with. I assure you that whatever problems you have from now onwards you can freely share them with me and we will try our level best to find a solution to it." Sometimes it was unbelievable for Hana how come she was able to snag such good people in her life who were always so loving and considerate of her.

"And I'm sorry as well Hansy because the way I behaved yesterday was very, very wrong. It was inconsiderate of me to just blabber out all things you have always tried to hide not thinking there must be a reason for your actions." Preslie kept her down all the while she spoke.

"Me too guys. This isn't your fault mine as well. I know you are my well-wishers, my second family. You always mean the best to me. I know I have wasted a long time in my foolish illusions. I promise to move on." With that, all three of them went for a tight group hug.

It transported them to their younger self during student life when they used to be their carefree selves. The hug continued until all of them were gasping for oxygen.

"Last two days were killing me so let's go out today and enjoy ourselves. Before we again begin our rollercoasters from tomorrow." Hana had a long day planned for the three of them.

They got ready in their best dresses and left to have the best days of their lives.

From their routine Sunday brunch to spas, shopping, and saloon appointment the girls tried all kinds of self-pampering they could think of.

While at lunch Preslie remembered something which Hana had been dreading.

"Hans did you check the other dating apps, did you get any kind of response." Preslie and Miracle seemed quite invested now more than before after she gave them a thumbs up on moving on which now she seems to regret.

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