31 - Monday, February 8

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After my PE class, my body felt weighed down with exhaustion. Re-dressing myself was a labored effort as I struggled to make myself look presentable again, my damp skin aching in protest after a shower.

With my dress clinging to me uncomfortably, I stepped into the classroom for detention. Alex smiled knowingly as she looked up from her laptop. I knew I was late, yet I had a valid excuse; I had plans for an evening with someone very special.

"Picking up old habits, huh?" she quipped, her lips twitching into a smirk.

"Ugh, no, the dress is a little tight," I groaned in response, feeling the fabric of my dress stick to me like a second skin. "Imagine taking it off, sweating for an hour, and then having to put it back on."

"I can imagine taking it off, yes," she mumbled to herself, staring into her laptop. "And then sweating for an hour."

My steps faltered as my lips twisted into a grin, my heart quickening with surprise. Our casual flirts had been a common occurrence lately, but never during school hours.

I feigned shock, scarcely able to believe my ears. "Since when are you flirting with me here?"

Her lips quirked up in a cheeky grin as she finally met my gaze. "Since you look very pretty."

"Are you implying that I don't normally look pretty?"

"Even when you're drooling on my precious pillows and making me question why I allow you to sleep over at my apartment, you somehow remain beautiful."

I chuckled softly, stepping closer until I was standing before her desk. "Why, thank you." I gave her a teasing smile, a touch of sarcasm in my voice. "How kind of you, Miss Martin."

"Don't call me that," she murmured in a flat voice. "Especially not in that tone that makes me sound like a porn star."

"Oh, I would never." I played along. "But, you know..."

Alex stared at me for a moment, as if trying to understand what I was trying to say, until a huff slipped past her lips. I could see the corners of her mouth twitching as she started rummaging through her bag. "I knew I should've never told you that."

"Told me what?" I asked innocently, even though I knew exactly what. But before any other words had a chance to leave my mouth, Alex shot me an unamused glare and abruptly chucked her car keys at me. They narrowly missed my face and landed in my upturned palm. "Okay, woman. I'll shut up."

"Please do," she said, grinning. "There's not much to do here. Just go get your man."

I strolled over to her side and leaned against the desk. "Are you trying to give me a black eye before my date? Jealous much?"

"You wish."

"You can stop pretending you're not into me." I smirked. "Just admit it out loud. Please?"

She scoffed as she rose from her chair and moved to the trash can. But on her way back, she stopped right in front of me with a smirk of her own. She was only a few inches away, and as she looked straight into my eyes, I felt my breath catch in my throat. The air between us seemed to thicken. I knew she wouldn't do anything. She never crossed professional boundaries—or at least tried her best not to—and I had a feeling it wouldn't happen now, either.

"Who's the one who can't even breathe every time I get close to you?" she said in a low, sultry voice, her gaze piercing into my own. "Like right now."

My throat went dry, and I felt my heart rate pick up. I felt my cheeks flush, and I opened my mouth to find the courage to speak, but nothing came out.

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