33 - Monday, February 15

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As consciousness returned, a tender smile curved my lips. For that arm that sheltered me, that leg entwined with mine. Everything about it. With each exhale, a warm breath whispered against the nape of my neck, a sweet lullaby that stirred my heart.

Each subtle movement of my body made her stir, her arm drawing me into an even tighter embrace. To banish any remnants of doubt and to ensure that it was not some fleeting figment of my imagination, I turned and found her eyes wide open. Laying my head upon her chest as if it were the softest pillow in all the world, I nestled in her arms, not wanting to leave.

Amidst the stillness, not a word was spoken, a language of its own that required no translation. Part of me remained dubious, wondering if it was just a wicked wet dream and I would soon awaken, for the truth seemed too enchanting to be tangible. Every so often, I would peek up at her just to ensure she was indeed there, and every time, her tender smile cast its spell over me again.

When Alex rose from the bed, I surrendered to her mesmerizing allure, rolling onto my stomach and propping my chin in my hands. My gaze trailed her body as she stretched, her supple curves contorting in the most entrancing way, begging to be admired. In its nakedness, her form became a work of art that seized my every thought, monopolized my entire focus, and then some.

"I'm not leaving this bed ever again," my voice emerged, throat sore. "Your morning stretches are even better without clothes on."

A husky groan escaped Alex's lips, her voice a delicious rasp. "I feel like I've been beaten up."

I smirked. "I don't remember any beating happening last night."

"But you might have dislocated my legs and given me a limp."

"At least my curiosity was satisfied."

She quirked an eyebrow. "Verdict?"

"You're very bendy. Sorry about the limp though."

"It's a small price to pay." She moved toward the bathroom, her steps hindered. But as she reached the door, she paused, leaning against the frame. "Join me?"

Bounding from the bed, I sprang upright, only to be ensnared by a sharp cramp that clutched at my limb. Wincing in pain, I lifted my foot into the air and steadied myself, my groans of discomfort punctuated by teasing laughter from the bathroom.

With a determined yet graceful hobble, I made my way across the room and into the shower, only to recoil in response. "Alex, that's boiling." I winced, my senses assaulted. "I'm gonna turn into a shriveled prune or something."

"The shriveled prune is in charge of the temperature then."

Beneath the cascading stream, I felt the warmth of Alex from behind. Her arms wound around me, and I leaned my head back against her, lost in the peacefulness of the moment. We lingered there until we remembered that we were meant to be showering, but for those fleeting moments, we were lost in the magic of our embrace.

When she reached out to grasp the shampoo bottle from my hand, I held it back. "Can I?"

A reciprocated grin was all the answer I needed, so I began to massage the lather of shampoo into her locks, my fingers dancing over her scalp. Meanwhile, my other hand wandered down the length of her body, trailing over the curve of her hips and down to her butt where it imparted a gentle squeeze.

"I don't think I have any hair there, Kayla."

"Now you do."

I took my time with the conditioner, lavishing her the care she deserved, relishing the joy that painted her smile brighter with every passing moment. But as the time came to rinse away, a misstep caused me to push her too far under the stream. Her eyes shut in a fleeting wince, her features twisting as if she had just tasted the tartness of a lemon.

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