Sparkling Stardust

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Izuku PoV

I was your very awkward kid in life. nothing special about me at all but I want to become a pro duelist one day. The only problem is that I lose almost every duel I have. Because of that my deck is full of cards and monsters that no one else wants. No one has ever beaten Kaachan and his Red dragon archfiend card. One of the legendary duelists of all time is Yuusei Fudo. Apparently before he passed he hid his best card 'Stardust dragon'. He said that who ever found it would get his original deck, but to this day no one has found it. Well until I came across some dumb luck.

 I was sulking on Dagobah beach when a sparkle caught my eye. "Huh? what is that?" I said. something was sparkling in the piles of junk on Dagobah beach when I dug it out I didn't believe my eyes. "WHAT THE! NO WAY! STARDUST DRAGON!" I yelled. "It has to be a fake. why would this legendary card be in a trash pile like this. But what if it is real? I have to get home!" I say. 

At home

"My card Identifier says that this is not a fake! I can't believe it. I'd better hide this or it will turn into a big deal." I say. I decide to take a walk the next day to clear my head. "Why would one of the worlds greatest duelists hide his best card in a junk pile?" I say while I am looking at the card. "Because Yuusei grew up in the satellite." an old man said. "Wasn't that a place that used to be filled to the brim with junk and garbage?" I say. "It was a long time ago. It became a part of new Domino city after years of clean up.  He hid his best and favorite card in the thing he was surrounded by for most of his childhood." he said. "Junk! that is why I found it! everyone else looked where a big shot duelist would hide it. They didn't look into who he was before that!" I said. "Here! take my old deck. I haven't used them in years so you can have them!" the old man said. "Oh! thanks mister." I say as I rush home to see what type of deck it is. "There are a lot of junk cards in this deck. There are even some synchro monsters.  I can make something out of this!" I say as I get to work.

at school on Monday

"I hope I assembled my deck correctly but on second thought putting Stardust Dragon in my extra deck wasn't a good idea. If I accidentally play it who knows  what will happen." I whisper to myself. "You have a new Deck Deku! looks like it is time to embarrass you again!" Kaachan said. you and me! after school!" he demanded. "Why Me?!"

after school

"Get ready to be thrashed Deku!" Kaachan said. 'I'm a dead man" I think

(their duel discs are the ones from Arc-v)

Lets duel!

"Losers first deku!" Kachan said. 

"I call junk Breaker in attack mode!"

Atk: 1800  Def: 1000

"I place 1 card face down and end my turn!" I say. "My turn looser! I draw! I summon archfiend interceptor!"

Atk 1400 Def 1600

"I discard 1 monster from my hand to special summon power giant! and its level is goes down to 5!"

Atk: 2200 Def 0

"Power giant! destroy that pathetic junk breaker!" He said. "No you don't! I activate the trap scrap iron scarecrow and negate the attack!" I say. "You got lucky!" Kaachan yelled. "No I didn't because this trap returns to its face down position after it has been used." I say. "Grr I end my turn!"

"I draw! I summon jet synchron!"

Atk: 500 Def: 0

"A Tuner monster! you think you can pull of a synchro summon!?" Kachan taunts. "Yes I can! I Tune my level 1 Jet Synchron with my level 4 junk breaker! I synchro summon Jet Warrior!

Atk: 2100 Def: 1200

"Jet warrior's effect activates! I send power giant back to your hand!" I say. "now I will attack Archfiend interceptor! sure I will lose 500 life points but it is worth it!

Izuku LP: 3500

Bakugo LP: 3300

"I cast the continuous spell shard of greed! and with that I end my turn!" I say.  "I draw!" 'This nerd isn't beating me! not ever!' Kachan thought. "I special summon vice dragon by cutting his Attack and defense in half! Now I normal summon dark resonator! Now I tune my Dark resonator with my Vice dragon! I synchro summon Red dragon archfiend!" he said. 

Atk: 3000 Def: 2500

"now I cast Mystical space typhoon to get rid of that dumb trap! Now Red Dragon Archfiend! destroy Jet Warrior!" 

Izuku LP: 2400

"I will set 1 card face down and end my turn" he said. "I draw! I call junk defender in Attack mode and place 1 trap face down!" I say "big mistake deku! that monster only has 500 Atk points and it is my turn. you have lost! Red Dragoon archfiend! destroy that monster and win this duel!" Kachan said. No you won't! I activate the trap! no entry! it switched all monsters into defense mode!" you got lucky this time but next turn your mine!" he said

'what to I do? none of the cards in my hand or the card I drew can destroy that monster.' I thought. "Shard of greed" a voice in my head said. "huh? That's right! my continuous spell has 2 greed counters now!' i think

"I activate shard of greed! I draw 2 more cards!" I say. 'Hmmm. Junk Synchron and strike slash. I got it!' I think. I summon junk Synchron! his ability brings back jet Synchron! now I can Activate the ability of Jet Warrior from the graveyard! I tribute jet Synchron to summon jet warrior in defense mode. Now I tune junk warrior with Jet warrior! I Synchro summon! Stardust dragon!"

Atk 2500 Def 2000

"Impossible!" Kachan yelled. All of the bystanders are in shock when stardust dragon appeared in the field. 

somewhere else

"Sir! Sir! it finally happened! Someone has finally played the real Stardust dragon card!" a worker said. "Really! Find the person who found it now!" 

back to the duel!

"Y-you found that card! But you made a huge mistake! you placed it in defense mode! say good bye to your legendary dragon!" Kachan said "you wont destroy it with this trap card!" I say as I end my turn.

"I draw!" Kaachan said. 'I can easily destroy that trap card with this one that I drew! but for now......' "Red dragon archfiend destroy Jung Defender!" Kachan said. "you fell for my trap Kachan Junk defender might be gone but Stardust dragon won't be! his ability now activates! by sending Stardust dragon to the graveyard I can negate your dragons ability and destroy it! I was also lying about the trap! I only said that so you would attack Junk defender!"

" best monster. Gone!" Kachan said. "now you turn is over! and since Stardust dragon was tributed due to its own ability it returns to my field in Atk mode! Now I draw and summon junk blader!"

Atk 1800 Def: 1000

Junk blader Attak Kachan!

Bakugo LP: 1500

"finish him off Stardust dragon! Cosmic flare!"

Bakugo LP: 0

winner Izuku Midoriya!

"DEKU! YOU CHEATER! NO ONE CAN BEAT ME! THAT DRAGON WAS A FAKE!" Kachan yelled. "No it wasn't!" someone said. "All Might!" both of us said. "Congrats on finding Yuusei Fudo's best card! As it said in his will here. His old deck is now yours." he said. "Woah!" I gasp

chapter over!

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