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2 weeks later

"Now just park the runner over there" the examiners said. I do so nervously and succeed. "Congratulations! Here is your duel runner license!" He said. "I did it!" I say. Now I wouldn't be expelled from school.

while I was learning I became friends with Iida and Uraraka. Uraraka is taking her drivers next week along with our other classmates. I take My Duel runner home and surprise my mom with it. I was so happy to get my duel runner license

At school the next day

"All right today all of us will be observing a tag duel. Todoroki and Yayorozu vs Midoriya and Iida.

All 4 of us get on our duel runners and rev up!

"Remember all of you need to have 1 turn before you can attack." Mr.Aizawa said.

"I call 1 monster face down in defense mode and set 1 card Facedown! That will do it for me" Iida said. "I draw! I summon Volcanic Slicer in attack mode!"

Attack: 1800  Def: 1200

"I activate his ability and deal Midoriya 500 points of damage!" Todoroki said.

Izuku LP: 3500

"I'll place I card face down and end my turn!" He said. "I draw! I summon Tasuke Knight in Attack mode!"

Attack: 1700 Def: 100

"I cast shard of greed and set 1 card Facedown! That is it for me." I said. "I summon krebons in attack mode. I set 1 Card face down and that will do it for me." Yayorozu said. "I draw! I summon morphtronic radion in attack mode!"

Attack: 1000 Def: 900

"While in Attack mode he has the ability to do increase all morphtronic monsters attack points by 800! Attack Krebons!" Iida said. "I pay 800 LP to negate the attack!" Yayorozu said.

Yaoyarozu LP: 3200

"I end my turn!" Iida said. "I draw! I cast blaze accelerator! I discard volcanic shell from my hand to destroy Morphtronic radion! Now volcanic slicer! Attack Tasuke Knight!" Todoroki said. "I activate my trap Scrap Iron scarecrow!" I said. "I will end my turn now!" Todoroki said. "I draw! I call nitro Synchron! I end my turn with 2 facedowns!" I said. "I draw! I summon serene psychic witch in attack mode!"

Attack: 1400 Def: 1200

"I activate Psychic Tracers ability and Special Summon it in defense mode! I tuns krebons with Psychic tracer and Synchro summon! Magical Android!"

Attack: 2400 Def: 1700

"Magical Android! attack Nitro Synchron!" she said. "NO Don't!" Todoroki said. "I activate the trap Urgent Tuning! I tune Nitro Synchron with Tasuke knight! I synchro summon Gravity warrior! and due to nitro synchrons effect I draw 1 card!

Attack: 2100 Def: 1000

"Gravity warrior gains 300 attack points for every monster in attack mode on your field making it 3000!" I say. "Psychic witch! Attack Iida's facedown!" she said. his facedown was morphtronic boomboxen. it can avoid being destroyed by battle once per turn if it is in defense mode. Her life points increase be 1200 and she ends her turn.

Yayorozu LP: 4400

"I draw! I summon Morphtronic Remoten. I tune my level 3 Morphtronic remoten with my level 4 boomboxen! I synchro summon! Power tool dragon!

Attack: 2300 Def: 2500

"I activate his effect I choose 3 equip spells from my deck and You have to pick one of them Todoroki!" Iida said. "The one in the middle?" He guesses. "Yes! I equip Power tool dragon with break draw! Now Attack serene psychic witch!" He said.

Yayorozu LP: 3500

She banished 1 card from her deck and ended his turn. "I draw! I tribute volcanic slicer to summon Volcanic hammerer!"

Attack: 2400 Def: 1500

"I discard Volcanic counter from my hand to destroy gravity warrior!" Todoroki said. "I activate a trap Guard mines! I nullify the spell destroy it and deal you 500 points of damage

Todoroki LP 3500

"Volcanic hammerer! Use your special ability deal 600 points of damage to Midoriya!

Izuku LP 2900

"Now attack Power tool dragon!" He said. Iida uses power tool dragons ability to negate his destruction.

"I draw! I destroy shard of greed to draw 2 more cards! Now I cast hand destruction! Now everyone has to draw a new hand! I call debris dragon in attack mode! His special effect special summons Bacon saver from my drop zone! And I activate quilbolt hedgehog' effect and summon him from the graveyard! Now I tune my level 4 debris dragon with my level 2 bacon saver and quilbolt hedgehog! I synchro summon! Stardust dragon! Attack Volcanic hammerer!

Todoroki LP 2900

"now gravity warrior! Attack Todoroki!" I said. Todoroki looked like we was going to activate a trap but gave up at the last minute.

FYI Midoriya and Iida win the duel.

Duelist Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now