Entrance exam

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3rd person PoV

on a news report

"The Legendary Stardust dragon card has finally been found. It was found by a boy in Mustafu Japan named Izuku Midoriya who found it in a junk pile. After inheriting Yusei Fudo's deck this boy has been on a winning streak. Last time anybody checked he had a winning streak of 13." the news reporter said.

"It is actually 14 wins in a row. I won a duel on the way home. The U.A. Dueling academy entrance exams are in 2 weeks And I think I finally gathered the cards to update this deck. Time to get building!" Izuku said. his mom was listening to him outside his room happy that he is becoming such a good duelist.

at the entrance exam

"I am really here. U.A." I say. 'Don't worry you have organized your deck and I have prepared for this. Time to do this!' I think I walk in with what little courage I have and walk inside. "Hello everyone are you ready to duel!" present mic said. everyone just started cheering. "First you have to do a written test. you need to know the basics of dueling first." he said. I do the written test with no issue at all. it was actually kind of easy.

the second test was an endgame of a duel. I have done the one that appeared the screen many times so I do it quickly and go to the waiting room on the final test. I go through my new deck and see if I am ready to duel. the final test was to duel and defeat a member of sector security. All of them were high ranking officers too.

All of thee students who passed the last 2 tests were gathered for the last one. Anyone who won their duel was automatically admitted into U.A.. I was up next now

Let's duel!

"I go first! I draw! I cast hand destruction! Both of us discard our entire hand and draw 5 new cards! I hope you didn't have any important cards." The officer said. Little did he know that he did me a favor. "I summon assault dog in attack mode!"

ATK: 1200   DEF: 400

I set 1 card face down. And end my turn! Your move rookie!" The officer said. "I draw! I set 1 monster face down in defense mode! I set 2 cards face down and cast shard of greed. I end my turn!" I say.

"I draw! I summon search striker in Attack mode!

ATK: 1600 DEF: 1200

I use his special ability to destroy your facedown monster!" He said. "No way! I cast my book of moon spell! I flip your monster facedown negating it's ability!" I say "I am not going to risk taking damage so I end my turn with this face down."

"My turn I draw! I flip my facedown monster into attack mode! Rise shield warrior!

ATK: 800 DEF: 1600

I activate the give and take trap card! I give you my Bacon saver from my graveyard in defense mode and my shield warrior gains its levels! now I summon nitro synchron!

ATK 300 DEF: 100

Now I tune my level 2 nitro synchron with my level 5 shield warrior! I synchro summon Nitro warrior! and I get to draw 1 card due to Nitro synchrons effect. 

Atk: 2800 Def: 1800

Now attack the face down monster!" I said. "No chance! I activate the Trap no entry!" He said All monsters get swiched into defense mode. I place this card face down and end my turn!"

My turn! I draw! I summon! torapart! now I can use it and search striker to synchro summon Goyo guardian!

Atk 2800 Def: 2000

Attack Nitro warrior!" he said.

"That kid is toast." aizawa said. "No he isnt!" Nezu said.

"I banish shield warrior from my graveyard!" I yell. the attack lands and it is revealed that Nitro warrior is still there! "That is impossible!" My opponent yelled. "By taking Shield warrior from my Graveyard and removing it from play my monster isn't destroyed!" I say . "I end my turn with this set card!" he said.

"I draw! I activate My shard of greed and draw 2 more cards. I summon junk synchron with his ability I summon sonic chick from my graveyard! and now I use these monsters to synchro summon Armory arm!

atk: 1800 def: 1200

"I activate his ability and equip it onto Nitro warrior giving it 1000 attack points! I change him into attack mode and Attack Goyo guardian!" I say. "I activate the trap sakuretsu armor!" ha said. "I counter that with my trap guard mines! it protects my monster destroys your trap and deals 500 points of damage!


"now keep going" I say. Goyo guardian is destroyed!

LP: 3500 ---> 2500 

"When a monster equiped with Armory arm destroys a monster in battle you take damage equal to the destroyed monsters attack points!" I say. "what"! "It means you loose!"


winner Izuku Midoriya

everyone was in shock that I had a perfect duel. "barely anyone has passed with a perfect duel. Welcome to U.A."

End of chapter

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