Chapter 4: Into The Dark *Gore Warning!*

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Peter's POV

We get to the area where we plan on entering the woods. Amelia sits there, and smiles when she sees us. TK waves with a smile.
  "It's really nice of you guys for letting me come with." Amelia said, standing up.
  "No problem." TK said.
  "I didn't want you here." I mutter, walking over to the fence and climbing over it.
  "Ignore him." TK said, following after me.
Amelia just nodded, her and TK began to talk about mushrooms and whatever. She brought that stupid book and a basket. We walked into the forest, looking around.
  "So what cryptid are you guys looking for? Mothman? Sasquatch? Wendigos? Werewolves? Or is there a lake and we're gonna look for the Loch Ness monster?" Amelia asked.
  "Apparently the old man says there's a hybrid between a wendigo and a werewolf in these woods." TK says.
  "Oh wow! Now wouldn't that be a find? But what exactly are we gonna do when we find it?" Amelia asked.
  "We ain't gonna find shit. The old man's crazy. Plus, even if there was one out here, it's probably on the move a lot and we can only cover so much of his land in one night." I say.
  "Fair point." Amelia said.
  "What got you into mushroom picking?" TK asked.
  "Oh well, my parents are vegetarians. And they've always been into just walking the woods in general. And one day I just decided to look into it, since my dad used to do it when he was a kid. Also I am not a vegetarian. Just my parents. But hey, they don't care what I do." Amelia explained.
  "Oh nice. What mushrooms are you exactly looking for?" TK asks.
She pulls out her book and begins rambling on. I roll my eyes and ignore them. I look around for anything that could be of more interest than there conversation. The moon is quite bright tonight and gives the woods a eerie effect. I notice something out of the corner of my eye and look over. I thought I saw a figure in the distance but I was wrong. I look down to kick a small rock when I notice a skeleton of a small animal. I crouch down and pick up the skull.
  "Oh cool! It's a opossum skull!" Amelia says, crouching down next to me.
I glare at her.
  "Yeah... I know." I said.
  "Peter..." TK mutters as we stand back up.
  "What? I know the difference between animal skulls. I don't need Bill Nye over here telling me what is what." I say, placing the skull into my small bag I brought.
  "Ugh guys... Do you smell that?" Amelia asked.
Me and TK sniff the air and TK immediately gags, covering their nose. It smells like death. We walk a little further up a hill and find a shredded up deer. The intestines were sprawled all over and it's legs were bent in directions they shouldn't be. Its head was also backwards and it was missing its bottom jaw.
  "Ew! Ew! Gross!" TK said, looking away from the gore in front of us.
I was unphased by both the image and smell.
  "Oh looks like a grizzly got it. I'd say about 3 days ago." Amelia says, walking around the corpse.
  "How can you tell?" TK asks.
I walk over the hill and to the other side as they talk. I look around and my eyes widen.
  "Ugh guys... If the grizzly got the deer... What got the grizzly?" I asked, a little shocked.
In front of me lays a huge grizzly bear, it's head missing and stomach looks like it had been bitten out. There were claw marks and teeth marks along the body. Amelia and TK walk over.
  "Holy shit!" Amelia says.
  "Geez... That things huge." TK said.
  "What the hell attacks a grizzly bear that big?" I ask, looking over at the 2.
  "There are no bigger predators that would go at a grizzly bear. Maybe a large wolf pack but... This looks like a singular animal. One that's way bigger." Amelia explains, walking over to the corpse.
  "A bigger grizzly bear?" TK asks.
  "No... Look at the bite mark along where the stomach would be. Thats one bite. One fucking bite." Amelia says.
  "Maybe the crazy old guy is right?" TK says.
  "I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation to this..." I say hesitantly.
  "Peter... There is no explanation. This is a huge animal. One around probably 11 feet tall, due to the bite mark." Amelia says.
  "Maybe we should get out of here. What if it's still in the area?" TK asks.
  "We're fine. If it is a wendigo and if this happened 3 days ago, it's gone by now." I say.
  "Wow this is... Amazing. I've never seen anything like this." Amelia said, pulling out her phone and taking pictures.
Me and TK decided to do the same thing. Just then there was a light shown at us. We turn around and see the old man and 2 police officers.
  "There they are. The tall edgy one keeps trespassing. I haven't seen the other 2 before." The old guy says to the police.
  "Kids, you're coming with us." The first officer said.
  "Oh fuck..." TK mutters.
The police escort us out of the woods and into the cop car. Both officers get in and turn to face us.
  "You. Goth kid. The guy living here said this ain't the first time you've been trespassing. He said you're preforming witch craft or something? Is that true?" He asks.
  "I am NOT doing that! The guys a fucking wack! All I'm doing is bone picking or just... Hanging around! Ok!" I snap.
  "Peter." TK says.
  Well kid... He says he's given you plenty of warnings." The officer said.
  "He threatened to fucking shoot me! He's fucking crazy! All because of trespassing! I ain't hurting anything or anyone!" I yell.
  "Enough kid. We're going to the station and we'll call your guys parents and inform them what you were doing. We're giving you a warning. We don't wanna keep getting complaints from this man." The second officer said as the first officer started driving towards the station.
TK put their head down and I leaned back with an annoyed huff, folding my arms.
  "This fucking sucks ass." I mutter.
  "My parents are gonna kill me." TK whispers.

(1070 words)

Peter/YB X Female Reader // One Temptation // DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now