Chapter 1: Another Day

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   (The cover art is by Kiwichiii so please give them a follow!)

Peter's POV

Winter break was finally over. I walked into school, groaning in annoyance. Great. Back to this hell hole.
"Peter! Hey!" A voice called.
I look over my shoulder and huff. Just what I needed. The green haired nerd ran up to me, basically throwing themselves on me, hugging me tightly. I push them away with a growl.
"What have I said about physical contact, TK!" I snap.
"Ok geez, who pissed in your cereal this morning?" TK muttered, rolling their eyes.
I walk away and head to my locker, TK trailing behind like a lost mutt.
"Wearing a fishnet already? Dude, the snow just started melting, you're gonna freeze your damn nipples off outside." TK said.
"It's not that cold out, dude." I said.
"It's fucking 23 degrees out! What do you mean it's not that cold?" TK said.
"It's none of your concern. Now get lost." I mutter.
"Did you not miss me?" TK asked in a teasing tone.
I open my locker and throw my bag in before slamming it and looking over at TK with a glare that could kill. Though TK tended to be the type of person to look past that.
"TK. I will break your legs if you keep following me." I said, turning to head to class.
"But we're in the same class, Peter. How do I get there if I can't follow you?" TK asked with a smirk.
"Don't be a smartass." I mumble.
"I'm not. It's just common sense." TK said.
We get into class and take a seat near the back. The class was already loud with students talking and laughing.
  "So did you hear about the recent cryptid sighting? By the creepy old guys place?" TK asked.
  "Yeah. It's fake." I sigh.
  "Fake? How so? Normally you're all over this type of shit." TK said.
  "And I am. The guy is a liar. He keeps changing the story. First the thing is a wendigo, next apparently it's a werewolf, and now it's a mixed species? He can't keep his story straight either. Last week he said the thing was over 15 feet tall and yesterday apparently it was around 11 feet tall. He just wants money and attention, that's all. Plus he ain't got proof. No pictures or anything. And the trail cams and shit he sets up is supposedly always 'tore down' in the mornings. He's a phony and a psycho. The old guy should be put in a home." I explained.
  "Oh wow... Guess I didn't think about that." TK said.
  "Plus I've trespassed multiple times trying to see what he supposedly says is out there and I find nothing but coyotes and bear stuff. And once in awhile a lone wolf. A normal wolf. Not a human that turned into one." I said.
  "Peter what!? You've trespassed!? Multiple times!" TK said, panicked.
  "Yeah. I've gotten caught too. That old guy is a douche. Threatened to shoot me because apparently I was preforming witch craft on his hunting land." I said.
  "Well... I mean you're out looking for monsters and you dress super dark so... I don't blame him for thinking that." TK mutters.
  "Doesn't give him a right to shoot me." I said.
  "Yeah but trespassing does." TK said.
  "Ok class, quiet down. Welcome back from winter break everyone. Hope you had fun but now it's time for learning again so please, pay attention." The teacher said, walking into the room.
The class stopped talking and messing around, immediately paying attention to the teacher. I pulled out a notebook and began doodling boredly.
  "So... You really think the old man is crazy?" TK asked.
  "Positive. If it was a real sightings, he'd keep his story straight." I said.
  "But what if there are multiple cryptids? He owns over 350 acres of woods and fields." TK muttered.
  "I guess but still. I just... I don't believe him. He's an asshole who's trying to be someone. Most people that try and say they've seen cryptids are fakes." I say.
  "True." TK said.
  "Wanna go out there tonight and look?" I ask.
  "What! No! The guys threatened to shoot you!" TK whisper yelled.
  "And? We can go in through the back way. It's not like he's gonna be out there all the time. And like you said, he owns 350 acres. We're gonna be fine. Plus it's Monday. The guy works till 9pm and goes to sleep around 11pm. If we go out there at midnight, we should be fine." I explain.
  "My mom won't let me stay up that late. Especially with you. You know how she feels about you. You smoke cigarettes and pot." TK said.
  "It's not like I'm forcing you to smoke with me. So I don't see why she doesn't like me. Just sneak out if anything." I say.
  "Yeah but... Ugh Peter. I... I'm not sneaking out to go cryptid looking." TK muttered.
  "Then I'll go by myself." I said.
  "Well... I'll... Let you know if I can. Ok? And if I can't, please be careful. It's not just the old guy I'm worried about. It's the wildlife." TK said.
  "I carry knives on my for a reason, TK. You worry to much." I explain.
  "Peter. TK. Enough talking." The teacher said.
  "Sorry Mr Jones." TK apologized.
  "Sorry." I mutter under my breath, rolling my eyes.
  "Now, back to the lesson." Mr Jones said, continuing his talking.
The class dragged on for what felt like forever. TK was now busy taking notes and stuff while I just continued doodling.

(942 words)

Peter/YB X Female Reader // One Temptation // DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now