Chapter 5: Apologies

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Peter's POV

We got to the station and one of the officers went to contact our parents. Amelia's parents were the first to arrive and get her. Then TK's about 10 minutes after she had left. I sat in the room boredly for about another 35 minutes before an officer came in.
"Your mom ain't answering our calls. Got anyone else we can contact, kid?" He asked.
"Nope." I say.
"You sure? No dad or grandparents?" He asked.
"Look, My family don't give two fucking shits about me! They'd be happy if I was dead! I'm nothing but a mistake in my mom's eyes..." I snap.
The officer gives a sympathetic look before sighing.
"I'll bring ya home, kid." He mutters.
I stand up and nod, trying to keep the 'tough guy' act up, even though my own words cut me like a razor blade. We exit the office and get into the officers car, making our way to my place. We get there and the officer says goodnight before leaving. I head into the house and to my room. I hear that Sarah is home, due to the music playing and her talking on the phone with someone. I enter my room and lay down, my tears now spilling from my eyes. I hated this! I hated my life! After a few minutes of crying, I fell asleep.

// Time Skip //

I get to school the next day and walk to my locker. I notice TK and walk over to them.
  "I'm sorry." I said.
  "It's whatever. My mom's just... Pissed. That's all." They sigh.
  "I... I guessed." I muttered.
We were silent for a moment.
  "So ugh... Where's Amelia?" I ask.
  "Oh I don't know. Why?" TK asks.
  "I wanted to apologize to her." I say.
  "Since when do you ever wanna apologize to anyone?" TK says sarcasticly.
  "Well since today! I feel bad ok!?" I snap a little before taking a breath.
  "Ok ok. I'm sure we can find her around lunch. For now I gotta get to class. Cya around buddy?" TK explains.
  "Yeah. Cya." I say and turn to leave.
  "It's not your fault, Peter." TK calls out.
I just nod and continue to walk to my class. I get into class and sit down, putting my head on the table with a groan.
  "Peter." A voice says.
I look up to see the teacher standing there. He hands me an envelope before walking back up to the front. I open the envelope and pulling out a slip and reading it. I can't help but mentally smile. Now, I'm not much of one to act like a teacher's pet, but when I get notes like these from the super intendent, telling me I'm at the top of my class and my grades are through the roof, I just get super excited. But I sigh, knowing no matter what I did, my mother still wouldn't give 2 shits about it.
  "Alright class, quiet down and take a seat." The teacher said, getting up from his desk.
The time goes by dreadfully slow and soon the bell rings. I get up and walk out of the class, looking for TK once again. Just then I trip over something, falling square on my face and 2 people laugh. I growl and look up to see Lucy and Vio standing above me.
  "Hey Shark Teeth. Heard ya were on the crazy guys property last night and he called the cops on ya." Vio says with a smug grin.
The urge to full fledge knock this assholes teeth out is high. I stand up and glare at him, my pupils dialating into pin pricks.
  "How the fuck did you hear about that?" I ask.
  "Mushroom girl." Lucy said.
  "How come you were trespassing anyways? You really think you're gonna find a fucking cryptid? How fucking old are you? 5?" Vio mocks.
Without thinking twice, I grab Vio by the shoulders and shove him against the locker, pinning him there with a snarl.
  "Mind your own fucking business you snake!" I snap, getting up in his face.
  "Hey hey hey calm your tits Shark Teeth!" Vio says with a laugh.
I turn away and walk towards my locker, trying to control myself before I bash the dick's head into the lockers.
  "That's right freak! Walk away like the pussy you are!" I hear Lucy call out.
I stop in my tracks and glare over my shoulder, my pupils dialating once more.
  "What did you just call me?" I mutter, clenching my fists.
  "A pussy." Lucy says with a smug grin.
I chuckle a little before I break out into a laugh.
  "Oh no no no! I am NOT a pussy!" I snarl and turn to face them.
Just then someone grabs my wrist. I look over and see TK.
  "Peter. Enough. Stop it." They say sternly.
I grab TK's collar of their shirt and get up in their face.
  "Or what?" I growl lowly.
  "Peter, please, let's just go." TK sighs, unphased at my rage.
I huff and let them go, pushing pass them and head towards my locker. TK sighs in relief and follows after me.

(Hey I know it's been awhile and yes, I'm currently on break from Wattpad but I decided to finish up this chapter and give it to y'all cause why the hell not? Please also, with me being on break, DONT sit and spam me to get chapters out. It really doesn't help with my anxiety and stress. Thanks)

(925 words)

Peter/YB X Female Reader // One Temptation // DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now