Reveal of the Twins

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"Brother!" A child whom has a neck length gray hair with white fade away in the end of the hair and eyes red as blood called

Another child who is revealed to have a same neck length but dirty blond hair and purple eyes like amethyst glanced at the direction of the voice

"Did you just finished your training?" the red eyed child asked

"yes" The purple eyed child answered shortly

"ohhh that's good!" The red eyed child said smiling

The purpled eyed child stared at the red eyed examining him 

"did your examination just finished?" the purple eyed asked

"Yep! gosh!! did you know how many injections I needed to take" The red eyed cried out 'dramatically'

"you already said that many times before" the purpled eyed said used to this

Their interaction was disturbed when they heard a footstep coming towards them

"Cale, Cain?" A voice coming From a certain red head called

They turned to the voice and saw Beryl whom just came back from a mission

"Papa!!" the red eyed child whom is revealed to be Cale exclaimed running towards Beryl whom picked him up with ease

Beryl smiled brightly as his tail wagged in happiness"Haha!! Careful there"

Beryl glanced at Cain smiling "Come on Cain join us!" stretching his other arm out

"no thanks I'm good" The purple eyed child revealed to be Cain said but was soon picked up by Beryl causing him to groan in annoyance.

"now now no need to be shy!" Beryl said smiling cheekily

"Beryl" a voice interrupted them

Beryl turned to the voice with the children on his arms

"oh! Nergal!!" Beryl exclaimed

"You seem to be having a nice time there no?" Nergal said smiling with a hint of venom in his tone

"sorry, I guess I got carried away. I missed them...." Beryl said as he placed the kids down

"that is no excuse as you are taking their time when they are suppose to be trained and examined" Nergal said sternly

Cale is holding the urge to roll his eyes annoyed while Cain is indifferent.

"You head now to your respective schedule" Nergal said to the twins

"yeah yeah" Cale said finally rolling his eyes as he walked towards the training ground

"Ok" Cain nodded and walked towards the examination room.

(both arts are made by yours truly)



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A/n: the colors are not that accurate to what I have imagined TvT

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A/n: the colors are not that accurate to what I have imagined TvT. Cales hair is supposed to be like Deus hair color and his red eyes are similar to them, he has that light red stripe in both sides of his chin? cheek?? idk ;-; similar to beryl. Cains hair color is supposed to be similar to Leon with some light or white fade aways at the end of his hair, his eye is similar to Leon. they both hab similar skin color to Leon. I forgot to draw their pupils ;-;

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