New Creations and New Masteries

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Cale walked in the halls alone as he wonder in his thoughts, the day for their departing is nearing and he still hasn't improved, there was nothing achieved from his trainings while his brother Cain is already showing some massive improvements.

for some this might frustrate them or hate this but this motivated him whilst cheering his brother on. to be honest, he is fine not being strong as long as he could survive, he is fine with being the brain and his brother the brawn, but they just won't be satisfied. what they want is power not mind.

"brother." a voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he paused to see Cain walking towards him holding a pair of wooden swords. 

he tilted his head as the boy approach before he extended his hand as he knew what he wanted but yet still asked, "you wanna train with me?"

"yes." Cain answered as he passed down one of the swords towards Cale, whom gratefully took it.

Cale nodded with a smile as he wrapped his arm around Cain's shoulder as they walked towards the training grounds. his eyes staying in his own brother's figure as they walked, how could someone be so innocent and pure whilst being taken advantage of for their own gain? Cale thought to his self as his gaze on the floor darkens.

Cain noticed his sudden change in behavior and suddenly became concerned, "is brother doing ok?", he asked stopping the train of thoughts in the younger twin's head. 

Cale just giggled as he answered, "I'm fine. just thinking on how excited I am to get out. "

Cain nodded at his words as he looked ahead, he too won't deny his excitement but he is more worried for his brother, whose mana is weaker than the lowest of the creatures. He has heard and read about the creatures of the outside along with his brother, yet what confused him is how could someone so weak like Cale be so optimistic and not care for the dangers that lurks and might threaten his life.

 Cale watched his brother as they walked, a smile forms in his face as he hopped, "brother, there is something I'd like to try today, would you accompany me?" 

Cain looked at him with curiosity as he nodded, "sure."

As they got into the fields they got into their places on guards. facing each other as they rose their swords.

with a countdown from 3 reaching to one they moved out of their places. Cain stepped aside as he watched his brother ran forward at him swinging his sword.

As Cale passed him, Cain's swords hits Cale's to try and unarm him. Cale, who had expected that already had a grip holding tightly to his sword, twisting his hips and body, his legs moved, about to hit Cain's own but missed as Cain quickly took a step backwards.

Cale took this chance to outbalance him, throwing his sword towards him and threw a round house kick towards him.

Cain raised his hand up, blocking the sword before dropping his hand down, hitting Cale's leg. he then targeted towards Cale's stomach , successfully hitting him.

Cale stepped back as he clutched his stomach, letting out an ouch escaped his mouth before he lets out few laughs.

Cain retreated his wooden sword back, putting it aside as he quickly went to his brother's side in worry, placing his hand on the weaker boy's shoulder.

Cale lets out giggles as he leaned in Cain's arm, appreciating his brother's worry. the to stayed in their position for a while before Cale spoke, "brother is getting better and better in combat."

Cain hummed as he stroked the cheerful boy's hair. "did it hurt?"

Cale lets out a laugh as he answered, "brother is too soft. no it didn't."

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