Mana Manifesting

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"Noooo! brother you're doing it all wrong!!" The red eyed child whined

"really?" Cain tilted his head

Mephisto chuckled "Cale is right, you're doing it wrong"

You might be wondering what these three are doing, well, they are practicing with their mana. Nergal insisted that they are old enough to train their manas and have already explained to them the basics, Mephisto was in charge of watching and guiding them accomplish the task.

"Focus the energy in one place first, Cain." Mephisto said

Cain was trying to contemplate where was he supposed to focus it on. Cale noticed his brother's indecisiveness and went towards him to take his hand.

Cale held Cain's hand and said "focus your mana here, you should first try to feel the flow of your mana and then lead them, right here."

Cain took a moment to gather his thoughts before nodding, Cale took a step back at this.

Cain reached out his hand, focusing the energy towards the palm of his hand. A wind like feeling started to form in the middle of his palm and the waves of his mana was presently seen by their very own eyes.

"woah" Cale said as he watched in awe

Mephisto smiled in contempt "good job"

Cale grinned "brother! imagine the mana being as wild as Deus' electricity!"

Cain nodded at that and focused his mana, imagining the feeling of electricity flowing through his body, feeling the burning and tingling sensation of a thousand volts passing through his veins. Then.


Mephisto quickly unleashes his tentacles, protecting Cale from getting hit and a magic circle appeared around Mephisto and Cale, shielding them. the surroundings nearby Cain was all burnt out and destroyed.

Mephisto was grinning widely, the outcome was definitely beyond his expectations, he never expected Cain to easily and quickly be able to do electricity or rather he didn't expect that he could do this much impact.

His tentacles and the magic circle started to settle down.

Cain wasn't even fazed by his own achievement. 

Cale quickly went towards Cain as the tentacles and magic circle disappears.

"Cain! are you alright?? That was so awesome!!" Cale said, sparkles in his eyes.

Cain nodded

Mephisto went towards him and gently grabs his hand.

Cains hand was slightly burned but it's nothing that Mephisto could easily heal.

"It's a little burned, but with a little herbs it would easily disappear. I'm guessing your body still couldn't handle your power since it is still immature. could you bear with it a little more longer or would you rather have it healed right away?" Mephisto asked keeping his smile.

"I can bear with it." Cain said, there was no hint or trace of any pain in his voice or his expression.

"but Cain!! are you sure?? what if it gets worse?? or what if it is still stinging??" Cale said in worry, furrowing his eyebrow. 

"I am fine, brother."

Mephisto chuckled "now now Cale, your brother is strong, he won't be bothered by something like that. so no need to worry."

"hmph, if you say so...."

"well I believe it's your turn Cale to try and control your mana." Mephisto said.


Mephisto guided Cain away from Cale just incase.

Cale reached out his hand and focused his mana in his palm, a wind like feeling formed in his palm, of course it is still weak, the waves of his mana could be barely seen that you needed to squint your eyes just to notice it.

He focused, trying to do the same thing that Cain did, he tried to imagine the tingling and burning sensation, he imagined the same burst of energy that Cain released. But

It was just a flicker of an electricity that came out.

Cale tried to force it upon his self to do the same result as Cain but it was nothing. He could only ponder what was he doing wrong?  he presumed that he is definitely doing no different from what Cain did, so why can't he do it?

"Cale" Mephisto called making him flinch and stop what he was doing.

"that's enough, you did well." Mephisto said, but Cale couldn't help but feel like he is only saying that to make him feel better.

"I swear, I really am doing the same as what I told Cain...."

"I know, and you clearly understand how to do it. no need to force yourself." Mephisto said with a sly smile. yes, it's might not be like him to tell someone it's fine when it's not, but, this is all just part of his little experiments. and also to make sure Cale won't defy him.

"let's head to the examination room, I need to check on your bodies."


They all headed to the place, Cain and Cale sat on the bed while Mephisto was mixing up ingredients for Cain's burn.

"brother, you did good." Cain spoke staring at his distracted brother.

"huh? oh, thanks. but you did better tho!"

Mephisto went towards them and held Cain's hand, placing the mixture. after that he wrapped it up in bandages.

"thank you."

"It's no problem Cain. so tell me, any changes or did you feel any discomforts?"

Cain shook his head

"I see, and how about you, Cale?"

"Nop! it just feels annoying that I wasn't able to produce the same power as Cain."

"I see. anyways, it's already time for your meals, I'll go ahead and prepare it, you should go and take a rest for the time being."


Mephisto left the room leaving the twins alone, they just laid down in the bed and chattered with each other, well more like it's Cale doing all the talking, Cain would just listen and nod his head signaling that he is listening.

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