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_______ With Cale and Mephisto______

"Dad, if this land kept on sucking out the life of other things, how come I am still alive?" Cale who was sitting on the bed asked Mephisto whom was mixing up a mixture of herbs and some things.

"hm, well I still haven't found out why yet, though I believe it might have something to do with why you have a low mana." Mephisto said

"really? then It can't be that complicated, right??" Cale asked tilting his head

"it is actually kinda complicated, though if I continue examining you then I would soon enough be able understand" Mephisto said as he head towards Cale and crouched down.

He undoes Cale's bandages in his body and applied the mixture to his wounds.

Cale flinched as he watched Mephisto place it to his wounds. As it was placed the wounds then started to close and heal as if there was no wounds in the first place.

"ohhh, thanks dad!" Cale hopped down from the bed

"no problem" Mephisto said with a smile

"oh, by the way dad, do you have another book for me to read??"

"oh? why yes of course." Mephisto said chuckling he walks towards his shelf and grabs a book. he went back towards Cale and handed him the book. "here"

"yay thanks!" Cale said happily taking the book and walking out

_________ With Cain and Nergal_______

"so, only the strong survives while the weak get's trampled on?" Cain asked to clarify what Nergal has told him

"yes, that's just how this world works Cain." Nergal said smiling while studying Cain's reaction.

Cain of course has no specific reaction to this, because for him it's all just the same, it's not that new to hear this and it's not like it is anything interesting. it's just an information that he knows that he needed to hear if he wants to survive.

"hm..." Cain hummed

"Cain!!" a voice exclaimed happily as the person headed closer to them

Nergal just frowned at the familiar voice and huffed before telling Cain "you may now get going."

Cain nodded at this and then walks away heading towards his one and only brother.

________ The Twins_______

Cain walks in the halls towards his brother who called him holding a book

"Cain! let's go now!" Cale grinned grabbing his brothers hand and leading him towards the garden.

When they got there the twins both sat on the floor, Cale place down the book he was holding between them.

"look, dad passed me another book!" Cale grinned cheerfully receiving a nod from Cain.

"what is it about??" Cain asked

"hmmm, I took a quick skim awhile ago and I think it is about spells, manas and powers! maybe even other creatures that lurks with us!!" Cale said skimming through the pages showing Cain some of it.

"ah, I see."

"hey hey, say, Cain, do you think we will be able to see what is outside this castle?" Cale asked Cain with twinkle in his eyes.

"hm, if father allows us...."

"right right, it's always father this father that." Cale said

"but you know, I think that it's stupid, don't you feel at least locked up like a puppet here Cain??" Cale said looking at Cain with a troubled expression.

Cain stared at him and shakes his head

"I see. you're really so kind Cain, you don't even think of them as mean. I think that brother really has an innocent and kind heart!" Cale said grinning at his brother

"... brother also has an innocent and kind heart." Cain said.

Cale's smile grew and he tackled his brother in a hug.

"haha! I really love brother!! We will always stay together, right?? you won't cast me aside when the time comes?...' 

"..... yes, I won't ever cast you aside...... I̵̢̲̬̎̑́̕ ̵͙̦͕̿͊͐̈́͋P̷̘̹͊͛̂̈́̔r̶͔̬̊͊͠o̸̺̙̤̝̿̽m̶̖̝͓̒ͅį̴̘͉̀̚s̷̫͎̜͙͗̓͆̈́ê̶̙̗̟̇͌͌ͅ

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